The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Unfortunately, Dave Weigel Is Right

This should make you as sad as it makes me: There are 10 Republican candidates for president running in two campaigns. In Campaign No. 1, the nominee will be chosen in a matter of months, starting with caucuses in Iowa, then a primary in New Hampshire, then primaries in South Carolina, Florida, and so on—boring […]

Doug Hoffman Forgives Newt Gingrich?

When Professor William Jacobson called this to my attention, I could scarcely believe it, yet Dave Weigel has the story: So what does Hoffman think? Is Newt to be trusted? “I support all the candidates running right at the moment,” said Hoffman. “Any one of them would be better than the current president, and that […]

‘This Crazy Blogger, Stacy McCain’

Crazy blogger at Baltimore-Washington International Airport, Sept. 13, 2011 Dave Weigel quotes Creepy Joe: Joe McGinniss is no longer surprised at the hate engendered by his new biography, The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin. “Did you see this crazy blogger, Stacy McCain, saying he’s starting a legal fund for Todd Palin?” he asks. […]

Dave Weigel on the Undecided Iowans

There is a lot of genuine ambiguity among Republicans here: Romney leaves Pella and makes his way an hour up the road to Des Moines. He’s the honored guest at a Polk County Republican fundraiser at the home of Nick Van Patten . . . Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, and other candidates have already been […]

Dow Drops 266 Points, Both Sides Race to Claim Defeat in Debt-Deal Compromise

Who didn’t see this coming? For months we were warned that financial catastrophe would ensue unless Congress raised the debt ceiling. So Congress raised the debt ceiling and . . . financial catastrophe: Stocks plunge as economic concerns grow Associated Press NEW YORK — A sell-off is erasing all of the year’s gains in the […]

Dave Weigel Interviews the Guy Who’s Going to Win the Big Debate Tonight

In New Hampshire: At the end of a short press scrum here, Herman Cain got a question he’s always asked semi-nervously: So, uh, how’s it going out there for a black Republican candidate? Go back and read my 2007 interview with Herman Cain: He’s been dealing with questions like this for years, and isn’t going […]

Dave Weigel: ‘Hey, You Know Who’s Doing Pretty Good? Herman Cain.’

Our boy Dave takes a look at the Gallup numbers and notices that the Hermanator has zoomed up in the GOP 2012 pack without benefit of much previous national media exposure, and despite the generally dismissive attitudes of such pundits as Karl Rove, Charles Krauthammer and Michael Barone. Here are the numbers: Mitt Romney . […]

NY-26 Update: Jane Corwin Ad

Responding to Democrat attacks, the GOP is really trying to blur the Medicare/Social Security issue: The most effective part of this ad is Corwin’s appearance at the end. She just seems nice, doesn’t she? Dave Weigel is up in the district covering the campaign, and has a report on Wednesday’s debate between Corwin and Democrat […]

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