The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

CAIR Loves ‘Em Some LGF: ‘Glad to See That Chaz Is Now Marketing the Caliphate’

Doug Ross: “It’s come to this: CAIR now tweeting links to LGF.” “Breivik was deeply involved in the ‘counter-jihad’ blogosphere and UK far right groups . . . Breivik boasted online of his discussions with the English Defence League (the anti-Muslim group praised and supported by US bloggers Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller), and with […]

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong: Belated Notice of Charles Johnson’s Total Beclownment

During the 10 days of WeinerGate, I tried to focus as hard as I could on following the main thread of the story, which was more than enough for anyone to attempt as the scandal rapidly developed. However, along the way I couldn’t help but notice a few distractions off on the periphery. And I […]

Covered in Shame

Completely and utterly disgraced, an object of contempt to his peers, humiliated in sight of the entire world. Anthony Weiner? No.

How To Read LGF Without Getting So Much Funk In The Browser

by Smitty I haven’t actually navigated to Little Foot Greenballs since the last time Instapundit linked Chuckles, which has been forever in Internet time. This post showed up in the Google Reader’s Recommendations section, which was worth a screencap and a post. Sorry, no link. I neither subscribe to the guy nor recommend reading him […]

He Who Hates Attractive GOP Women

No, not Sully — I mean the other creep: Excuse me for reminding you that Charles Johnson is still on the Internet. He hasn’t done anything useful in so long, you might not realize he used to be somebody important.

Jill Filipovic Throws Me Some Traffic; Little Green Footballs, Not So Much

America’s Favorite Feminist responds to this morning’s provocation by accusing me of promoting the narrative, “Brown people are savages who will go after pretty white women.” A near-miss there, Ms. Filipovic, but thanks for linking me. Meanwhile . . . It’s really sad that he’s got nothing better to do. While I’m on the hook […]

Fun With Lizards

There’s all kinds of news I need to be blogging about today, but offline duties intervened and — as much as I know it bores most of you — I just had to call attention to the latest in Johnsonoid craziness. Charles Johnson went on a rant about “stalkers and dimwitted creeps” — a rant thoroughly […]

In Which Charles Johnson Belatedly Discovers We Can Fact Check Your A$$

The Diary of Daedalus guys caught the LGF Grand Wizard trying to disavow the term “St. Pancake” as a reference to anti-Israel protester Rachel Corrie, resulting in Patterico’s conclusion: “In short, Charles Johnson is a sanctimonious, lying hypocrite.” This brings up two issues: Why disavow what was, in fact, a brilliant meme? I’m not sure […]

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