The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Troll R.J. Sterling: Charles Johnson Fanboy Enjoys #TwitterGulag Tricks

For some reason — and “reason” is perhaps not exactly the word to describe the irrational motives of moonbats — a certain Twitter account got up in my face yesterday. The troll seemed to be dogpiling attacks by thin-skinned Charles Johnson after I made a jest: via @leginsurrection Evidence that the ‘Charles Johnson stereotype’ is […]

LGF New Tune: Hurray for Pallywood!

It may be necessary to explain that, once upon a time, Little Green Footballs was one of the most influential blogs, linked and cited by everyone from Rush Limbaugh to Matt Drudge. Since 2007, however, LGF has imploded, following the apparent mental breakdown of its operator, Charles Johnson, who went psycho on Pamela Geller, embraced global warming, […]

R-Money, Alpha Male

Kevin Williamson of National Review got all Darwinian about how Mitt Romney is such a dominant beast — a living expression of primal urges — and the funniest thing about it is the reaction (via Memeorandum) from a certain blogger we call Jazzy McPonytail: You’ll never see a clearer depiction of right wing values, and it’s […]

You Say That Like It’s a Bad Thing

“François Hollande will strike fear into the hearts of the rich,” is the headline on a column by Nabila Ramdani in the British Independent. Permit me to suggest two likely results (a) some genuinely rich people will leave France, taking their wealth with them, and (b) a lot of the “rich” people in France won’t […]

The Girl With the Ephesians Tattoo

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” — […]

Little Green Sheep: A Telling Update

Nothing is more predictable than the herd instinct. Despite their insistence that they make up their own minds, many people are in fact, as psychologists say, highly suggestible, and subject to peer pressure, so that if any trend becomes dominant within the particular herd with which they identify, the average person follows the trend without […]

Profiles in Narcissism: Charles Johnson Blinded by His Own Self-Righteousness

Among the books I most often recommend are The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy (Thomas Sowell, 1995) and The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations (Christopher Lasch, 1979). Thoughtful readers familiar with both books will understand how the phenomenon described by Sowell — liberals […]

Humor-Deficient Charles Johnson Sides With #Occupy Movement vs. NYPD UPDATE: NYPD Investigates Occupier’s Twitter Death Threat Against Police

Raised during the Cold War — when my uncles and cousins and neighbors were fighting the Viet Cong and the NVA, when American troops stood on guard against that doomsday moment when the Red Army decided to make a try for the Fulda Gap, when any blink of an eye might bring down a worldwide […]

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