The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘The Sterile Laboratories of Their Minds’

“The Leftist has no respect or concern with individual human life. It does not play a part in the sterile laboratories of their minds where they grow the fetid cultures that are their utopian ideas. . . . [I]deas are all that matter to the Enlightened Progressive. Every revolution has been based on this thinking […]

Room Under The Bus For As Many Elites As Required

by Smitty Does the Progressive wing, breast, and thigh of the GOP not get it? Belvedere reports that Senator Gregg is making squishy noises in the vicinity of the Depends at the thought of repealing ObamaCare. Paco points to Rush Limbaugh, emphasis mine: Well, now it’s official. The elites in the GOP want to compromise […]

‘A Road Man for the Lords of Karma’

DeWITT, N.Y. — I’m blogging tonight from the home of The Lonely Conservative and her lucky husband, Dave. We just left a meet-and-greet with Ann Marie Buerkle in the village of Clyde. While I had planned to be on the road to Pennsylvania already, but Buerkle’s having a Monday morning press conference near Syracuse, and I […]

Belvedere Gives Us The BUSSness

by Smitty Props to The Camp of the Saints for a stellar roundup of the abysmal Allan Grayson.

One Year Ago Today

Thanks to Bob Belvedere for reminding us that, for the past 365 days, Ted Kennedy has been the only kind of good Democrat. And Mary Jo Kopechne still could not be reached for comment.

Hey, Has Anybody Else Noticed That Bob Belvedere Is a Persistent Blogwhore?

And, obviously, I mean that as a compliment. Everybody should learn to apply Rule 1 and Rule 2 with such relentless persistence.

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