The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Laughing In The Face Of Pessimism

by Smitty The Camp of the Saints sure had a case of the Mondays yesterday: We have, indeed, gone mad [I like to use the term ‘A World Turned Upside Down’]. What once was considered perverse is now considered normal. Ideas are now accepted as reasonable that, had we expressed them to our ancestors, they […]

Bob Belvedere: Mega-Hitter

The Camp of the Saints has crossed The Threshold of Blogospheric Glory, by faithful application of The Rules. In the celebratory spirit of this auspicious occasion, we’ll try to forget about the time Bob tried to foist a Canadian “social activist” on us as Rule 5 material.

‘Social Activist’? Really, Bob?

This is so sad: Bob Belvedere at The Camp of the Saints featured Mia Kirshner in a Rule 5 post Wednesday. Lovely girl. I’d never heard of her, so I did a quick Google: Mia Kirshner (born January 25, 1975) is a Canadian actress and social activist who works in movies and television series. She […]

Bob Belvedere Is Nuts

Having previously vowed to have no comment — no comment! — about the former Hillary Clinton intern who is now working in the “adult entertainment industry,” I’m obliged to point out that Bob Belvedere at Camp of the Saints has photos of the woman. Perhaps not the most interesting photos of her, but I repeat: […]

Will No One Rid Us Of This Troglodyte And His Osama Theories?

by Smitty That didn’t take long. Sir Lance of the Boil is already out trolling for linkage, dragging foul ichor about the floors and generally stinking up the joint. Of course Osama is alive, Lance! He’s cruising with Elvis in Bigfoot’s UFO! (A reference only maybe Belvedere will catch.) Seriously, Trog: don’t you trust the […]

Sputnik or Fort Sumter?

While I was busy commemorating today’s 150th anniversary of the bombardment that began the Civil War, it seems those commie comrades at Google decided to go with the “Bolsheviks in Space” motif: Bob Belvedere is suitably sarcastic: “Sure, why the Hell not. The old Soviet Union was not so bad, you know . . .” We’ve come […]

Roxeanne de Luca Writes About Feminism, Sex and Virginity

In her role as guest-blogger at Camp of the Saints, Roxeanne explains the difficulties of being A Woman Who Disagrees With “Pro-Sex” Feminists: I got excoriated . . . .because I suggested that premarital sex is not an achievement and is about as novel as not wearing a hoop skirt. When I said that premarital […]

Jane Russell, R.I.P.

The passing of Hollywood screen legend Jane Russell reminds us that nowadays everything is political. When someone famous dies, we can’t be permitted merely to remember the person’s life and work. No, the celebrity must be placed in political context, for how else shall we know whether to remember them fondly or not? Turning dead people into […]

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