The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Egalitarianism Triumphant

“In the hands of a skillful indoctrinator, the average student not only thinks what the indoctrinator wants him to think . . . but is altogether positive that he has arrived at his position by independent intellectual exertion. This man is outraged by the suggestion that he is the flesh-and-blood tribute to the success of […]

‘Mister, You Are a Two-Bit Hoodlum’

Over the holidays, Bob Belvedere posted a series of videos of America’s Greatest Cop, Joe Friday. This one’s good:   What made Joe Friday angry was the disrespect inherent in the behavior of criminals. Here’s another one who gets a few words:   And, finally, Joe Friday and his partner Bill Gannon have a few […]

Bob Belvedere — Hacked!

Bob Belvedere at Camp of the Saints knows that the guidelines for “Rule 5” set a limit at the PG-13 line. Obviously, on Saturday, the hackers took control of Bob’s blog and posted photos of, uh, plus-size model Melissa Manning which are definitely Not Safe For Work. Or so I’m told, by persons familiar with […]

Racism Industrial Complex Training Film: “Bob Is A Racist”

by Smitty This country in general, and this blog in particular, cannot stop in its relentless quest for ‘fairness’, and a raaaaacism-free country. Sadly, it appears that Bob Belvedere has been outed as a raaaaacist by the Solipsist Piffle Legal CanYouNameTerrorists (SPLC): Next up on the list to be outed, apparently, are Troglopundit and American […]

Bob Belvedere Hates Trees While Being The Most Beautiful Man On The Planet

by Smitty I am nearly reduced to a weeping outburst of Smalley-ism: *sniff* Thank you *sniff* In better news, the Kindle version is actually perking now. I made what was a not unreasonable, yet wrong, assertion when it jumped me from to Kindle Direct Publish: that it new I was the author. As I […]

Why Do You Hate Italians?

She’s an Italian actress named Alessandra Mastronardi, and if you needed a reminder to read Bob Belvedere’s Camp of the Saints . . . Well, certainly she did the trick, eh? And speaking of Italians . . . Mr. Santorum issued a statement that said, in part, “As the son of an Italian immigrant myself, […]

‘. . .He Leaves Very Big Shoes To Fill,’ Kennedy Said

by Smitty So says Joe Kennedy III in a campaign video, opting to run for the seat vacated by the unlamented Barney Frank. It may be that the Kennedy brand has recovered from the passing of Ted. According to the Boston Herald: The UMass Lowell/Herald poll — the first to test the younger Kennedy’s appeal […]

Obscure Musical Allusion Blog Post Title Sweepstakes: Joy Division, for the Win!

“It’s like being assigned to cover a psychotic breakdown, so that the challenge as a journalist is to report accurately all the paranoid gibberish, the bizarre hallucinations and delusions of grandeur.” — Robert Stacy McCain, Jan. 11, 2012 “But there is no point in haggling any longer with this. The time has come to get […]

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