The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Has Barrett Brown Scammed NBC News?

In-freaking-credible! Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Barrett Brown is either, as Michael Isikoff reports, “an underground commander in a new kind of warfare” — a member of a criminal conspiracy who should be under arrest — or else he’s one of the most successful hoaxers in recent memory. […]

Is the FBI Watching Barrett Brown? (And If They’re Not Already, Shouldn’t They?)

One of those weird stories that just drops out of the sky: Regular readers will recall my occasional go-rounds with atheist blogger Barrett Brown, who first appeared on my radar amid the 2009 LGF blogwar and has since occasionally popped up from time to time. My status as a sometimes combatant with Brown resulted in me […]

VIDEO: Dueling A**holes

OK, everybody knows there’s no love lost between me and Barrett Brown. But even I must admit that the boy has just entered the realm of YouTube legend. The setup: Brown’s bohemian lifestyle is getting on the nerves of his girlfriend’s roommate, a guy who has a real job as a Web designer and is angry […]

Barrett Brown Gets Himself Banned from LGF and League of Ordinary Gentlemen

Somebody brought this up in the comments on another thread. Barrett Brown — who when last heard from here, had his lawyer threatening me with a libel action — has now in the space of a few days gotten himself banned from both Little Green Footballs and the League of Ordinary Gentlemen. As to the LGF banning, […]

‘A Communicational Schematic That Is Superior to Anything Else in Existence’

On April 7, 2002, a university professor in Tennessee posted this: I keep hearing from people that they started a weblog because of InstaPundit. About a month ago, I asked everyone who did so to email me. I got so many that it took me a while to find the time — and energy — […]

Barrett Brown’s Lawyer Sends Me an Email Threatening ‘Legal Proceedings’

Yesterday, I noted that Barrett Brown had threatened a libel suit in response to my post, “Narcissism, Isolation and Trolls.” The first thing to remember about such a situation is that the threat of a lawsuit is just that — a threat. And this is true even after someone gets a lawyer to send you […]

Letter to a Damned Fool

Tim Rogers, executive editor of Dallas magazine, decided that my flame war with Barrett Brown (which has provoked the threat of legal action) was a fit subject for a blog post that linked Max Blumenthal — of all people — as the authoritative source on me. Which is damned foolish, considering that I’m rather authoritative about myself. […]

Nothing Says ‘Merry Christmas’ . . .

. . . quite like the threat of a libel action: Libel Friday, December 3, 2010 5:02 PM From: “Barrett Brown” To: “Robert McCain” I’ve just spoken with my entertainment lawyer concerning your libelous article about myself and my relationship with Michael Hastings as well as well as my allegedly violent character. You’ll receive an […]

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