The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Inmate Number 288928

Roger Shuler, Shelby County Jail inmate No. 288928 “Shuler is his own worst enemy. . . . He seems to enjoy being his own lawyer. He has given his only client some bad advice.” — U.S. District Judge William Acker, Jan. 28, 2011 “At some point during the eight years of George W. Bush’s presidency, […]

Roger Shuler: Another Kook Succumbs to ‘Investigative Blogger Syndrome’

Portrait of a Kook: Roger Shuler “Shuler has not shown that any clearly established right has been violated. His only alleged evidence is a recorded phone call that he says supports the notion that he was terminated because of the political content of his blog. However, Shuler’s own transcript of the phone call shows only […]

Anonymous and the Super-Hero Fantasy

Esquire magazine profiles a loser: Known as Deric Lostutter to the government, DJ to his mom, and Shadow to his oldest friends, he was twenty-five years old and working as a waiter in a pizza-and-beer joint for eight bucks an hour, getting home at two or three in the morning stinking of kitchen grease. One […]

Barrett Brown and the Thug-Mob Anarchist Threat of ‘Anonymous’

Barrett Brown interviewed by NBC’s Michael Isikoff, 2011 “There are strong reasons for believing that what to us appear the worst features of totalitarian systems are not accidental byproducts but phenomena which totalitarianism is certain to sooner or later produce. “Just as the choice architect who sets out to plan economic life will soon be […]

Barrett Brown and ‘Team Themis’

Barrett Brown explains his ‘informational schematic,’ December, 2010 Excuse me for dwelling on Barrett Brown today, but amid a coordinated media push to beatify Saint Barrett of the Blessed Suboxone, it’s important to keep pushing back, even if some readers are getting bored by this celebrity criminal douchebag. Here’s a key section from Alexander Zaitchik’s […]

Barrett Brown, Special Snowflake

Barrett Brown promotes atheism on Fox News, January 2009 “Karen Lancaster always believed her only son was special” — that line in Alexander Zaitchik’s Rolling Stone profile of Barrett Brown stands out as explaining how this high-school dropout who started “dabbling” with heroin at age 19 was able to imagine himself as the hero of […]

The Barrett Brown Whitewash Continues

Sept. 12, 2012: Barrett Brown rants about his plan to ‘destroy’ an FBI agent “In late 2010, thousands of hacktivists joined a mass digital assault on the websites of VISA, MasterCard, and PayPal to protest their treatment of WikiLeaks. Other targets were wide ranging — the websites of corporations from Sony Entertainment and Fox to the Vatican […]

Barrett Brown Inspires a Bizarre Campaign for Douchebag Rights

Sept. 12: Barrett Brown rants on YouTube about his plan to ‘destroy’ an FBI agent “I know what’s legal, because I know what’s been done to me and if it’s legal when it’s done to me it’s going to be legal when it’s done to f–king FBI Agent Robert Smith, who is a criminal, who is involved in […]

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