The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

If Your Whole Campaign Was ‘We’re Gonna Build a Wall,’ You Better Build It

Ann Coulter takes the Republican Party to school: What the Democrats want is for Trump to be stuck explaining why he didn’t build the wall. Then it will be a bloodbath. Not only Trump, but also the entire GOP, is dead if he doesn’t build a wall. Republicans will be wiped out in the midterms, […]

Ann Coulter on Illegal Immigration and Demographics: ‘No, You’re Raping Me.’

Phyllis Schlafly and Ann Coulter at Saturday’s immigration panel. Vivid analogies are not evidence of hate and, while I’m sure this is going to become another one of those “CPAC controversy” headlines, the point Ann Coulter was making is entirely valid: “My favorite network for humor is MSNBC. They’re always sneering, demographics are changing. No this […]

Macho @EdShow Gets Called Out on Twitter by @AnnCoulter: ‘Lying Pussy’

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz: “Republicans, they’re afraid of me. They don’t want to talk to me.”   So, how’s that working out for you, Ed? Invite me on your show, you lying pussy. RT @Matthops82 "Republicans are afraid of me. They don't want to talk to me." – @edshow — Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 15, 2014 […]

Who’s the Liberal: Hannity or Coulter?

Sean Hannity has a bad habit of interrupting and hectoring guests he disagrees with and, in the case of the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill, Hannity has evidently decided that criticism of Marco Rubio is impermissible. This led to an interesting exchange Wednesday night: Hannity asked [Ann Coulter] what she would do about the estimated […]

Dude, Did You Have to Diss Ann Coulter? Also: Obama Has ‘Certainly Been Massively Disappointing to Young People’

Let’s face it: Ever since Ann Coulter volunteered as head cheerleader for Team Romney, some of Miss Coulter’s longtime conservative defenders have been under tremendous pressure to denounce her. The problem is that nearly all the people who joined the anti-Coulter movement back in the day — and I’m looking at you, Ace of Spades […]

Ann Coulter: What?

by Smitty Is free speech a bad thing? The No. 1 conservative talk-radio host in America, Rush Limbaugh, is critical of Romney, and another top conservative talk-radio host, Mark Levin, is adamantly against Romney — though both Limbaugh and Levin supported Romney as the conservative alternative to John McCain in 2008, and Romney has only […]

Celebrating The Crowd At CPAC, i

by Smitty Gustav Le Bon’s 1895 book The Crowd heavily informed Ann Coulter’s book Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America. Thanks to Ann for the hat tip. Rather than take her route of showing the specific evil effects of the Democrat party, and then quoting Le Bon, it seems needful to go back […]

VIDEO: Was Ann Coulter Right?

A year ago, at CPAC 2011, Ann Coulter was asked what she thought about the 2012 Republican presidential field: “Well, I’ll put it in a nutsell: If we don’t run Chris Christie, Romney will be the nominee and will lose.” Although I never shared Chairman Ann’s enthusiasm for Christie as a presidential candidate, the second […]

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