The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Blogging Is Re-Blogging

Smitty has already mentioned Little Miss Attila’s blogging guidelines, from which I noticed this: After you’ve posted something, editing should be limited to fixing typos, smoothing out the grammar, and modifying an egregious word choice. Be careful in doing this: once someone quotes your entry somewhere, you’re going to look like an idiot if you’ve […]

Oh. My. God.

Just when you think Andrew Sullivan can’t possibly go further off the deep end, he manages to surprise you. When someone put this on Twitter — “Andrew Sullivan hits new low in attacking Palin” — I thought they were joking. Surely his new low couldn’t actually be lower than his old low? Foolish naivete! At […]

Conor and Andy Want Some Pudding

“It is particularly amusing to see folks call the outcome stunning in one breath and aver in the next that they can explain why it happened mere hours after the fact, without any new data save the result. This is especially grating when it’s so obvious that the election turned on all the issues that […]

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