The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Andrew Sullivan Gets Punked?

Reacting to a blog report that an LGBT activist in Uganda had been beheaded, Sully headlined it: The Wages Of Christianism And then the blog that ran the original report added this: Updated — Possible Hoax . . . Sources in the U.S. and Uganda now tell me that the young man in question was […]

The W-Word: Fringe Journalism Is Fun!

Yes, the W is for “Weigel,” which term seems to have become as offensive (or boring) to some readers as “epistemic closure” or even “Elena Kagan Sex Tape” — the latter being a sort of satire of Rule 5, for which Marty Eisenstadt disclaims any responsibility. Summer is a great time for blog-fights because traffic always goes down during the summer anyway, […]

Census Worker Murdered

When a Census worker was found dead in Kentucky last year, Rick Ungar proclaimed “Send the Body to Glenn Beck” and Andrew Sullivan suspected “Southern populist terrorism, whipped up by the GOP and its Fox and talk radio cohorts.” Bill Sparkman’s death turned out to be suicide. So, who’s to blame for killing Census workers now? A […]

Another Job I Won’t Get

Not that I would ever consent to work for the company that employs Andrew Sullivan, of course: Atlantic Media, a national news publisher in Washington, D.C., is beginning a search for two dozen reporters to join its editorial ranks. Our current effort includes recruiting exceptional reporting talent already well-proven in covering the nation’s capital. As background, Atlantic […]

It Was Not ‘Violence-Violence’

by Smitty (via Memeorandum) Andrew Sullivan treats us to the Full Whoopi in relating the IDF raid on the Gaza flotilla, emphasis mine: A simple point. The violence by the activists is pretty abhorrent. These are not followers of Gandhi or MLK Jr. But the violence is not fatal to anyone and it is in […]

Dear Andrew Sullivan

You don’t have a uterus. That’s not your fault, but it’s not Sarah Palin’s fault either, and it’s long past time for you to stop obsessing about the governor’s uterus. “Legitimate questions of fact! Relevant questions!” You’re sick, Andrew. Get help.

Andrew Sullivan on Empiricism

Irony Deficiency Syndrome: “And the insistence on reality, on assessing problems empirically, and in proposing solutions is what we all need to get better at.” After which observation, Sully returned to his usual métier — bashing Israel and ranting about Sarah Palin’s uterus.

‘Dear Zionist Douchebag’?

Jeffrey Goldberg at the Atlantic Monthly disengages from Sully: Each time Andrew Sullivan writes negatively about Israel (which is to say, almost every day), my e-mail in-box becomes flooded with pleas that I respond. . . . Yes, it’s upsetting that Andrew Sullivan . . . has become an anti-Israel propagandist. But it’s not my […]

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