The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Blogging About Pathetic Perverts and Also Andrew Sullivan’s Sarah Palin Toe Fetish

Sarah Palin thronged by admirers during her Friday visit to the Iowa State Fair. HARTSELLE, Alabama Does the headline seem a tad redundant? Never mind. My travels around Iowa and yesterday’s 700-mile trip with Ladd Ehlinger down here to Alabama have kept me offline so much that I haven’t had much time to keep up […]

Sully: Israelis ‘Got Their US Media Mouthpieces’ to Criticize Obama’s Speech

“So it’s pretty obvious that it was the Israelis who immediately got their US media mouthpieces to spin the speech as some sort of attack.” — Andrew Sullivan, May 20 Doug Ross called attention to this rather disturbing accusation: U.S. criticism of President Obama’s speech was not really of domestic origin, Sully says, but rather was […]

From Ace’s Sidebar Headlines

Kinda classic: This Just In: Andrew Sullivan Is Illogical, Irrational, Inconsistent, Inconstant, Hypocritical and Hysterical and Unprincipled and Unhinged But he’s a “great writer”? I once again refute this claim by posing the Andrew Sullivan Challenge: Name one thing he wrote that really sticks out in your mind as insightful or well-crafted… He’s always been […]

‘His Typical Silly-Bitch Passive-Aggressive Gay-Gossip Insinuation Act’

Andrew Sullivan gets a memorable beatdown from Ace of Spades, after Sully returned to old habits in reaction to Justin Elliott’s debunking of Trig-Trutherism at Salon. A couple days ago, I was interviewed by a reporter who is working on a story about Trig-Trutherism and other anti-Palin memes that have circulated over the past two-and-half years.

I Stopped Reading at the Part Where Sully ‘E-Mailed His Four Young Assistants’

Stopped reading and started laughing: It was noon in Washington, D.C., when the shooting began in Tucson. Across the country, reporters and media executives rushed to cover the story of the gunman, the Congresswoman he shot at close range, and the 14 other victims. But the news couldn’t reach one of the Internet’s most important […]

Sully: ‘We Are Damn Lucky to Have Him at This Fraught Moment in History’

“Him” of course being President Obama, who still moves Andrew Sullivan to paeans of gratitude, no matter how un-constitutionally Bush-like or wrong-headed Obama’s actual policies might be. Did you say “Battered Wife Syndrome“? Yeah. Everybody sees it, except the victim who refuses to take responsibility for enabling his own abuse. Meanwhile, with our brilliant European […]

Sir Andrew of Rubesville

No sooner does Kevin Drum claim ownership of his gullibility — one tenable option for Obama’s anti-war leftist supporters — than Andrew Sullivan mounts his high horse in protest: Many of us supported this president because he promised to bring back the constitutional balance after the theories of Yoo, Delahunty, et al put the president […]

Question To Trump: Would You Say The President’s Possible Misdirections Are As Egregious As Your Hairstyle?

by Smitty I dropped the ball on where this came from, but now The Donald is using the M word. Mister Trump, when you’re at an important meeting, and some chicken is distracting from the important issues on the agenda, do you look at the chicken and say “You’re Fried!” or what? Questions about birth […]

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