The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Tea Party Envy’ and the Academic Elite

“We’ve long seen how tea party envy has been a common theme for the Obama era . . . and in [Harvard University history professor Jill] Lepore’s interview we see the lament that academic elites have failed to tap the tea party’s populist vibrancy. And so, when people and movements find themselves failing to be […]

Julian Assange, Libertarian ‘Reactionary’?

Donald Douglas has another link-heavy roundup about the Julian Assange rape case, including a link to leftist blogger Bill Weinberg’s post called, “Enough with the Julian Assange hero worship”: The most blatantly irritating thing is abject demonization of the women who have made the charges of sexual abuse against Assange. In any other context, the summary […]

Jonah Goldberg Is Wrong

Goldberg celebrates the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell as a step toward the “rise of the gay bourgeoisie.” But what is happening is not the bourgeoisification of radicalism; rather, it’s the radicalization of the bourgeoisie. If the American middle-class adopts more and more the radical-egalitarian worldview of the Left, this cannot be sold as […]

What Line Did Sady Doyle Cross?

Today I got a Tweet from the feminist who started the #MooreandMe campaign against Michael Moore. You will recall that Moore went on Keith Olbermann’s show and dismissed as “hooey” the rape accusations against WikiLeaks mogul Julian Assange. And when Sady Doyle started her Twitter campaign against Moore, my headline was, “Merry Christmas, America: Feminists […]

More Assange-Related Feminist Meltdown

Moe Tkacik is a female writer for the Washington City Paper who wrote an article mocking the rape charges against Julian Assange. She included the names of his accusers, Anna Ardin, 31, and Sofia Wilen, 26. The names of Assange’s accusers are not secret. The Sydney Morning Herald and umpteen jillion liberal blogs have named […]

Nobody’s Fault But Mine

“I’m not particularly interested in debating What Assange Did or Whether Assange Is A Rapist, and I’d appreciate it if we could steer clear of that in the comments section. Rather, I’m interested in pushing back on the primary media narrative about this case, which is that women lie and exaggerate about rape, and will […]

Christmas Cheesecake

“In an effort to boost my traffic, I am writing about breasts today. Small breasts. But breasts nonetheless.” — NeoNeoCon, “On Small Breasts” Donald Douglas is once again bemoaning the blogger’s plight during Holiday Traffic Suckage Season, when it seems that nothing can get the SiteMeter excited. Lady Gaga getting groped? Man, that’s a genuinely desperate […]

Don’t Deport the Hotties!

Donald Douglas posts a very attractive picture of Penelope Cruz — come to think of it, are there any other kind of pictures of her? — by way of discussing birthright citizenship. Walter Hudson at NewsReal explains that Cruz and her husband Javier Bardem “are opting to deliver their son in the United States rather than in […]

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