The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VIDEO: Chomsky vs. Israel

Donald Douglas at American Power got this video during Noam Chomsky’s appearance at UCLA: Donald describes Chomksy’s lecture as “propaganda, and says: [W]hat’s even more fascinating than hearing Chomsky’s America-bashing is observing the rock star status he’s afforded by the huge crowd of collegiate wannabe bohemians, diehard pro-terror communists, and the campus Islamist jihadis who […]

Selecting The Next Bob Dole Proving More Than A Trifle Tedious

by Smitty American Power picks up on the quest for more 2012 GOP candidates. Rubio’s firm withdrawal matches Christie’s. Who, then (emphasis mine)? So for Republicans in 2012, while it seems late in terms of the “invisible primary” of money, media, and polling, in fact there’s still plenty of time for other candidates to throw […]

Colmes Interviews Breitbart

by Smitty I discovered that Andrew Breitbart is one part Abbie Hoffman, one part performance artist, one part indignant former liberal and, well, see for yourself. The comments are mildly amusing. More Breitbart goodness at American Power.

Thugland, USA: Baseball Fan Brutally Attacked Outside Dodger Stadium

A 42-year-old paramedic is hospitalized with critical head injuries after he was savagely stomped in the parking lot while leaving a Dodgers-Giants game last week. The injured man, a father of two young children, is a Giants fan and the Los Angeles Times depicts this atrocity as a sports-rivalry-gone-wrong. But Southern California blogger Donald Douglas […]

Hey, Remember That Crazy Conspiracy Theory Glenn Beck Was Talking About?

According to every Serious Foreign Policy Pundit, it’s absolutely insane for Beck to assert that the Left and the Islamists are in alliance to bring revolution to the Middle East. However, as Donald Douglas points out, that’s what the Left is telling us: The neo-Stalinist ANSWER homepage has the announcement, “Emergency demonstrations: Stop all U.S. […]

‘The Euphoria Is Fading’

So says Donald Douglas at American Power, whose initial optimism about democraticization in Egypt has been tempered by evidence that the anti-Mubarak protesters are influenced byIslamic radicalism, and that a post-Mubarak Egypt is therefore likely to be anti-Israel and anti-American. “Likely,” I say, and to say that is not to suggest theĀ Egyptian unrest will certainly […]

‘Whose Bright Idea Was It to Send Joe Biden Out to Talk About Egypt?’

Question of the day, asked by Blake Hounshell of Foreign Policy in response to the latest eruption of Bidenism. “Asked if he would characterize Mubarak as a dictator Biden responded: ‘Mubarak has been an ally of ours in a number of things. And he’s been very responsible on, relative to geopolitical interest in the region, […]

The Word Is ‘Reprehensible’

Donald Douglas calls our attention to the latest cover of Newsweek, in which the gunman is wrapped in an American flag: The cover story by Jonathan Alter is more than 2,000 words. And what one word does not appear in that article? Zeitgeist. Remember when Newsweek used to do reporting? UPDATE: Linked by Stephen Green […]

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