The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Donald Douglas Doubles Down;
Brett Kimblerlin, Perhaps, Will Frown

by Smitty American Power, living up to its name, pays a visit to the Congressman’s office. I’d do the same, except my Congresstool, ‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran, is more likely to wonder why people are picking on poor wee Brett, assuming Moran can be pulled away from day trading. Those living in districts with halfway useful […]

Obama: As Much Harvard Law Professor As Elizabeth Warren Is Cherokee

by Smitty American Power is all up in arms about Kathy Griffin’s non-command of facts about #OccupyResoluteDesk’s record, calling BHO a Harvard Law Professor. This is misguided. In the Hope & Change era, we have moved on beyond facts. Barack is as much a Harvard Law Professor as: Elizabeth Warren is Cherokee Harry Reid supports […]

What It Feels Like to Be Targeted

Reacting to Aaron Worthing’s account of being harassed by convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin (link is to the shorter summary), Donald Douglas writes at American Power: The goal of these progressive cowards was to have me fired. And what’s so amazing is how seriously those contacted by my enemies took the lies and allegations against me. […]

Rebecca Traister’s Idiocy: Too Late for National Offend a Feminist Week? UPDATE: She Keeps Losing Arguments With the Voices in Her Head

Instpundit brutally pimp-slaps a Washington Post columnist who evidently doesn’t understand that a succubus, by definition, cannot be “sex-averse.” Alas, National Offend a Feminist Week ends on Mother’s Day, and I didn’t see Rebecca Traister’s column (linked at Althouse) until the annual festival of patriarchal oppression had elapsed. Sigh. If only there were some good […]

Could John Travolta Help Increase Barack Obama’s Marriage Policy Gayness?

by Smitty This is one that has to be sliced finely: I really don’t care, or want to know about, what consenting adults are up to in private. Hetero, homo, married, fornicating: I will defend to the death my commitment to ignorance about fluids, geometries, participants, accessories, and syndication agreements involved. I don’t wanna know. […]

Hard Times in WaPoVille: ‘BullyGate’ Timing Questioned on ‘Morning Joe’

If they’ve lost Morning Joe . . . “And there’s no doubt that . . . the timing of this obviously is in line with Barack Obama coming out a couple of days ago, saying — I’m sorry. It’s a fun — I mean, the media response to Barack Obama saying absolutely nothing. In the […]

This Might Be What You’d Call ‘Relevant’

Remember how Liz McMillen threw Naomi Schaefer Riley to the wolves over accusations of racism? Headline at American Power: Naomi Schaefer Riley Is Married to the Wall Street Journal‘s Jason Riley, Who is Black Routine conversation at the Riley household, as imagined by typical readers of the Chronicle of Higher Education: Naomi: Honey, will you […]

It Is Not Often One Locates An Oversight In Professor Jacobson’s Reasoning

by Smitty The Card Game is a great feature over at Legal Insurrection, and last night’s was no exception. This is cold fusion on the race card (h/t American Power): “The new racism is denying racism.” And, a little further on: Thanks to Bill Maher, of all people, we finally have a simple, effective, and […]

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