The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ace Don’t Love Him No Herman Cain

Everybody knows I love Ace, so much so that I laugh even when he’s viciously mocking my candidate: [H]e talks like a f–king dumbass much of the time, and when he’s not talking like a f–king dumbass, he’s doing an empty folksy pander which is all very nice for those who are receptive to it […]

Ace Rips Herman Cain Pretty Good

Remember the whole Gitmo-release thing with Wolf Blitzer yesterday? Ace really didn’t dig that at all: He literally seems to be making it all up on the fly, and I mean all, so when he’s asked a question like this, all he knows about the situation is literally just that which was contained in the question. […]

Kate Upton in Her Underwear Says You Really Ought to Hit Ace’s Tip Jar Again

Don’t ask me how I know what Kate Upton wants you to do. Just take my word for it. Go over to Ace of Spades HQ and hit his tip jar for $5 or $10 and then come back and we’ll talk about it.


MANCHESTER, N.H. Dan Collins says he was the first person to wear a “SCOAMF” T-shirt to a Tea Party rally: Dan says Ace of Spades HQ readers will know what this acronym means.

People Who Like Sarah Palin Liked Her Iowa Speech; Ace of Spades, Not So Much

Sarah Palin gave her big speech in Indianola while I was at lunch today with Da Tech Guy. However, I got a sort of live feed on the event via a series of text messages from Tea Party activist Tiffiny Ruegner. “No doubt she’s campaigning,” Tiffiny texted, and at the end: “Finished. Didn’t announce. . . […]

‘This Whole Capitalistic System Is Basically in Place to Rip Your Ass Off’

Ace of Spades discovered this “philosopher of economics”: Lots of f-bombs and other NSFW language here, but the really necessary content warning involves the coffee-spewing moment at which she starts talking about her “ancient ancestors.” Watching this lady explain her worldview, I found myself wondering if she’s been hanging out with Peggy Joseph. Probably because I’m such […]

In Fairness to Ace …

. . . having decided to side with Pamela Geller in her dispute with Ace over Rick Perry, I am nevertheless obliged to say Pamela struck a low blow in blogging about her allegation that Ace publicly referred to her (offline and in person) as “Atlas Juggs.” Ace strenuously denies this. In general, ladies: Don’t […]

Catastrophic Damage

No, I’m not talking about Hurricane Irene, although the storm has turned cable TV news into an endless, boring hype-a-thon, which I consider catastrophic. Joe Biden went golfing before the storm hit, which I consider about the most useful thing Biden could do in any crisis. Neither am I talking about the catastrophic damage that […]

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