The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Your Monthly Sarah Palin Wink

by Smitty Time says: Palin: “It’s not too late for folks to jump in. Who knows what will happen in the future.” Interview airs Monday at 10 pm ET. This is via Ace, who posits: As far as I know FoxNews hasn’t had this talk with Palin, or, if they did, she clarified her intention […]

Shorter Ace: ‘Bitches Lie’

A grossly unfair oversimplification of Ace’s argument? Sure. But in a multi-candidate Republican primary campaign where everybody’s cutting each other to ribbons, who can complain — if anyone even notices — when I gratuitously play the sexism card? And isn’t Ace calling the lady a liar? Michele Bachmann lives in a strange world. People talk about “moral relativism.” […]

Funniest Thing on the ‘Net Today

And it’s not just this sentence: “Generally women recoil from the power of my Intense Drifter Staredown, but you held firm, unafraid. . . .” You’ve got to read the whole thing, honest.

Ace of Spades Really Hates Ron Paul, Endorses Re-Election of Barack Obama

“I heretofore state I will not support, or vote for, Ron Paul, under any circumstances whatsoever. “That’s where I’m coming from. Under no circumstances whatsoever will I vote for this reactionary, anti-semitic peacenik ‘We brought 9/11 ourselves’ pacifist Chomskyite crank. “And I’ll say it: I will, yes, be amenable to Barack Obama being re-elected under […]

Friedrich Hayek vs. Ace of Spades

“Yeah, I know political journalists aren’t supposed to believe in ‘omens.’ Still, there’s something vaguely . . . hinky about the way Perry’s stealth campaign has been operating here in Iowa. “Call me crazy. Attribute my forebodings of doom to irrational prejudice. Say what you will, and I don’t care, but I felt a need […]

#tcot @AceOfSpadesHQ So, You’re Still Kinda Butt-Hurt About Rick Perry, Huh?

Look, I’ve just endured my own Disastrous Month of Pain, OK? But I seriously doubt that 78 days from now I’m gonna be grousing bitterly about Gloria Allred and Ginger White. So why — 78 days after the Tampa debate — is Ace still ax-grinding against Michele Bachmann? What’s especially interesting is that Bachmann signs […]

#OccupyFail at #BlogCon11: What Fun!

For the second consecutive year, Tabitha Hale didn’t think I was important enough to be invited to participate on a panel at BlogCon. Or maybe Tabitha just hates my guts. Either way, she subsequently offered me a “scholarship” to attend BlogCon, a consolation prize I was too proud to accept. Pity is no substitute for respect, and if […]

Herman Cain Under the Bus? ‘No Wonder We’re So Well and Truly F–ked’

“I write for money. And so far, nobody’s offered to pay me to save the world.” — Robert Stacy McCain, May 5, 2008 Mike Hendrix at Cold Fury has an excellent round-up about the argument among conservatives about how we should react to the accusations against Herman Cain. And in that round-up, Mike cites Jeff Goldstein […]

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