The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Hard Times in WaPoVille: ‘BullyGate’ Timing Questioned on ‘Morning Joe’

If they’ve lost Morning Joe . . . “And there’s no doubt that . . . the timing of this obviously is in line with Barack Obama coming out a couple of days ago, saying — I’m sorry. It’s a fun — I mean, the media response to Barack Obama saying absolutely nothing. In the […]

Alabama Man Becomes Third Victim of ‘Justice for Trayvon’ Violence Trend UPDATE: Not a Hate Crime, Cops Say

From the very start, I warned against trying this case in the media. Demagoguery and political grandstanding have predictably inflamed emotions, so that innocent people who never set foot in Sanford, Florida, are made to pay a dreadful price: First in Baltimore, then in Chicago, and now in Mobile, Alabama: Police tell News 5 the […]

He’s Not the Jack of Spades

Ace of Spades gets uncomfortable when I praise him too enthusiastically, or maybe he’s just doing that aw-shucks-’tweren’t-nuthin’ humble thing. Being a natural-born extrovert myself, I have no problem with praise, of which I think I get far too little, mainly because people don’t enjoy praising such an obvious egomaniacal showoff. A deficit of praise, […]

Is Jennifer Rubin’s Unrequited Affection For Dan Riehl Giving Way To An Ace of Spades Fixation?

by Smitty Dan Riehl has just never been a productive social outlet for Jennifer Rubin, tempting comparison with Stacy McCain’s efforts in the direction of a certain activist who will remain unmaimed by this post. But are the tides turning? Can enough spectacularly bad feedback do for Jennifer Rubin what polls cannot for #OccupyResoluteDesk, i.e., […]

Since We Can’t Call Sandra Fluke a ‘Slut,’ Would ‘Lying Liberal Bitch’ Be OK?

Sandra “Not a Slut” Fluke testifies, Monday, Feb. 27, 2012 Far be it from me to stoop to name-calling as a substitute for argument, but this question is not merely rhetorical. It seems that Sandra Fluke — who is receiving media Martyr of the Month beatification as the Matthew Shepard of “reproductive rights” — stands accused of makin’ stuff […]

Dear Lord . . .

. . . please hear my sincere prayer: However badly I screw up, whoever I may offend, whatever public act of idiocy I may ever commit, please — O, merciful God! — never let me be guilty of such foolishness as to deserve the kind of mockery Ace of Spades laid down on David Frum. Amen.

The SNL Lin-sanity Sketch

by Smitty Ace was on about the Asian-American Journalists Association taking themselves way too seriously. Commenter #9, rockmom, pointed out that SNL had doen this. The idea that you just treat people respectfully, apologize when confusion arises, and graciously forgive those who step on your toes a bit just seems lost. I guess that was […]

Because I’m Feeling Kinda Bad About Giving Ace of Spades Such a Hard Time …

. . . I guess it’s time to “pay tribute” by stealing more of his blog content. Like this psychological profile of Occupiers: [M]any of the rank-and-file occupiers feel isolated in their lives, and appear to lack basic community ties such as are provided by participation in clubs, churches, and strong families…. They thus attach […]

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