Tina Brown’s Mysterious Career: How Much Is That Zeitgeist in the Window?
Cheap easy-to-use digital self-publishing software has made many things obsolete, including overpaid magazine editors who once allegedly had an inerrant instinct for finding The Next New Thing: Audaciously drawing grand (and almost completely unsupportable) conclusions from small things. Carnival barking in print form. Everything’s the Most Important, the Latest, the Best. News You Can Use; Is Your Hair-Dryer […]
Kathy Griffin, Andrew Sullivan and Other Desperately Unfunny ‘Faggot’ Jokes
Really, @andersoncooper: I think she kissed your dignity good-bye. newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-she… — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) January 1, 2013 BREAKING NEWS: Andrew Sullivan is a risible caricature of overblown pomposity. DEVELOPING … — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) January 2, 2013 Next year, CNN should get Andrew Sullivan to co-host New Year’s Eve with Anderson Cooper and […]
‘Fiscal Cliff’ Deal Rumored; Obama Supporters Cheer Tax Increases on Rich
Ace has examined the reported terms of the deal, which would raise taxes on those earning more than $400,000, if indeed it is a deal, but deal or no deal, President Obama refused to be distracted from his most important second-term priority, scapegoating Republicans: Barack Obama held a last minute press conference today to bash Republicans […]
‘Through a Plate Glass Window’: How Liberal Media De-Legitimize Dissent
Patterico did a post yesterday about the “Accuse the Accusers” strategy that I meant to link and discuss at length, but I didn’t get around to it because new outrages were piling up quicker than I could keep track. In just the past couple of days: Stephen Crowder got sucker-punched in the head by Michigan […]
The Neitzschean Existential Angst of Blogging in the Same Sphere as Ace
BTW, in case you didn’t know it, @joenbc hates conservative talk-radio with the heat of ten thousand suns. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 10, 2012 OK, the pretentious title is both: An anti-intellectual mockery of show-offs who throw around terms like “existential angst”; and An honest admission of inner doubts about my own relevance, […]
GALLUP: ROMNEY 52, OBAMA 45 — Let the Great 2012 Liberal Freak-Out Begin!
They convinced themselves that Obama “won” Tuesday’s debate, but Romney actually gains in the first Gallup national tracking poll with post-debate reaction? Oh, boy. UPDATE: Ace explains what happened: The debate was not a victory for Obama. It was a confirmation of Romney’s acceptability, plausibility, and fitness for office. Yesterday, Sully admitted he had been “on […]
What Hath Daily Caller Wrought?
Slept late today because I figure I’ll be up late writing about tonight’s debate, and I didn’t participate in the Drudge-induced hype over yesterday’s Daily Caller/Sean Hannity release of a 2007 video, e.g., Allahpundit: It’s the talk of Twitter and of our comment threads, so here’s a dedicated post to let your imaginations run wild. […]
Federal Law? What Federal Law?
Ace gave this the Flaming Skull™ and pinned it to the top of his blog: There is a federal law that requires employers to give advance notice of layoffs. Because of Obama’s massive deficits, defense contractors will have to lay off tens of thousands of employees. Obama convinced Lockheed Martin to delay the layoff notification until […]
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