The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Blog Con: Born to Be Wild

Tabitha Hale likes to ride the big hogs. And also enjoys motorcycles. Ace of Spades, Lori “Snark and Boobs” Ziganto, Dave “Iowahawk” Burge and Caleb “Don’t Have a Nickname” Howe on the afternoon “Humor in Blogging” panel discussion, which was a lot funnier than this photo might suggest. Matt Kibbe explains Friedrich Hayek’s Austrian theory […]

Unlike Stacy, Smitty Needs His Beauty Sleep

by Smitty Thanks, Tabitha! Tom blogs at VA Right, and Tabitha is mostly too busy for such. Last night’s reception at the Crystal City Sheraton answered the question: if bloggers were Trekkies, would Scott Ott be Spock, Stephen Green be McCoy, and Bill Whittle be Kirk? No: nobody was weird enough to ask that question. […]

EXCLUSIVE: Alaska LP Senate Candidate Dave Haase Is ‘Huge Sarah Palin Fan’

Libertarian Party sources in Anchorage say they’ve been deluged with phone calls today from media and “political types” asking about the LP line on the ballot, which is Lisa Murkowski’s only hope to remain in the Senate unless her NRSC lawyer can find a way to steal the GOP nomination from Joe Miller. Murkowski’s supporters […]

Joe Miller Didn’t Give Me Bloggola

Six weeks ago, I reported about Joe Miller’s Senate campaign in Alaska, and yesterday Ace of Spades endorsed Miller. Thanks to the Daily Caller, Ace now finds it necessary to point out that he didn’t do it for money: I got annoyed when the Tea Party Express kept asking me to promote Joe Miller. I know they […]

One Wonders If Salon Is Beamed From Another Planet

by Smitty Elon James White, “Defending Park51, attacking Dr. Laura“: The common thread between condemning Dr. Laura and defending Park51 is the idea that the persecuted should be protected. Dr. Laura, in my opinion, should release a record of gangsta rap covers, so that she can use the word which sorts between ‘bigger’ and ‘rigger’ […]

Ace Is Absolutely Killing

When he’s on, he’s really on: It would never even occur to me, or any decent person, to erect a Museum of American Achievements in Aviation in Hiroshima. And here he makes an analogy so brilliant I’m ashamed I didn’t think of it myself. Having been endlessly lectured by our enlightened betters about the need to be […]

Ground Zero Mosque As An Election Issue

by Smitty (h/t Libertarian Republican) John Gomez floats the obvious question: He has Sarah Palin’s endorsement. I’m all for seeing ecumenical centers at all sorts of hallowed sites, like Mecca, Medina, and Ground Zero. Because if ‘tolerance’ and ‘sensitivity’ are not omni-directional, then they may just be cheap talking points proffered by the nefarious. On […]

Top Ten Reasons David Letterman’s Ratings Suck on the Forest Moon of Endor

“Broken-Down Old Man Perving on Zooey Deschanel” really seems to bother Ace of Spades. 

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