The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Have I Mentioned That I’m Polish On My Mother’s Side?

by Smitty After a day or two under the new posting regime, the time has come to celebrate Stacy McCain’s aggressive approach to new technology integration with a reader poll. The first and third choices will combine to form the NO crowd, the second and fourth the YES. DisqUS: Old and Tired; or, the New […]

Crazed Ewok Endorses Hard-to-Spell GOP Candidate in Minnesota 8th District; Cravaack Considers Restraining Order

Chip Cravaack isn’t a name that rolls easily from the tongue, but after Ed Morrissey highlighted a poll showing the Navy-pilot Republican challenger surprisingly close to Democrat Rep. Jim Oberstar, Ace of Spades jumped aboard in his inimitable way. Check this guy out: What Ace is doing — what I’ve been doing, and what we all should […]

18 Taliban Killed by AOSHQ Jokes, Hellfire Missiles From Predator Drones

But mainly the Hellfire missiles: Two U.S. drone attacks killed 18 militants in Pakistan on Saturday, intelligence officials said, after recent NATO incursions raised tensions with an ally critical to Washington’s war effort in Afghanistan. The United States has escalated pilotless drone aircraft missile strikes against al Qaeda-linked militants in Pakistan’s northwest, with 21 attacks […]

MD-5 UPDATE: Charles Lollar Endorsed by Ace of Spades and Dude Named ‘Mitt’

“I have great confidence in my candidates, and they’re doing just fine in their districts.” — Nancy Pelosi For some reason, Instapundit didn’t link Monday’s big post about Charles Lollar, a Marine intelligence officer challenging Steny Hoyer in Maryland’s 5th District. But this blog is read by the really important people — and also maybe Mitt Romney, who endorsed […]

Awesome! Ace of Spades Gets in Touch With His Inner Social Conservative

Admittedly, a social conservative famous for slinging f-bombs and sodomy jokes, but a social conservative nonetheless: This was just evil for evil’s sake. She wanted to be even more famous than she is (and she is already quite a bit more famous than her present, but very limited, talents would recommend), and she decided to […]

A Short List . . .

. . . of Astoundingly Stupid Things No Conservative Blogger in His Right Mind Would Ever Even Think About Doing: Publish posts conflating “neocons” and “Jews” in such a way as to provoke accusations of anti-Semitism. Respond to such accusations by publishing deranged rants against Jews. Get into hateful public pissing matches with Ace of […]

Ace of Spades Interviews Ladd Ehlinger

This is two weeks old, but I hadn’t seen it before, and it’s 31 flavors of pure awesomeness: One of my favorite people interviewing another one of my favorite people, and look at where Ladd lists his “top five Don’ts” for Republicans: 1) Stop concentrating on the sure wins. 2) Stop thinking a district is […]

Exclusive Video: Pudding Presentation At BlogCon Humor Panel

by Smitty Guick grab on the phone, sorry about the sound quality. The panel, L-R, was Ace, Snark and Boobs, Iowahawk, and Caleb “FunnyNameGoesHere” Howe. Pudding is a running joke on Ace, which see.

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