The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

New Democrat Scandal: F***Gate

The House Democrats were talking about the president’s “package” yesterday and . . . The frustration with President Barack Obama over his tax cut compromise was palpable and even profane at Thursday’s House Democratic Caucus meeting. One unidentified lawmaker went so far as to mutter “f— the president” while Rep. Shelley Berkley was defending the package […]

Emergency! Democrats Trying to Shove DREAM Amnesty Through Lame-Duck

Forget the TSA gropers at the airport. Forget Dancing With the Stars. Forget everything and focus on this: During his re-election campaign in Nevada, [Harry] Reid said he would try again to pass the legislation, known as the Dream Act. And in a Twitter message on Wednesday evening, his office said he would try to […]

Dear Ace: ‘A Choice, Not an Echo’

PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. — OK, after the last post, I promised I was going to go back to sleep, but somebody in the comments said that Ace of Spades was “bitching and moaning . . . that the tea party cost us DE et al.” Because I didn’t see the aforesaid bitching and moaning, I can’t address […]

Sean Bielat: ‘Hey, Thanks. I Guess You Want Me To Build You a Robot, Too?’

Barney Frank must be so disappointed. He did his darnedest to try to win Sarah Palin’s endorsement, but . . . Remember what it was like in January 2010 when Massachusetts shocked the political world?  It’s that time again.  Sean Beilat is running against a Democrat incumbent who has been in government office for over 30 years.  […]

The WaPo Looks Really Bad Over Christine O’Donnell

WaPo, As a subscriber, one hopes that the correct people are held accountable for this debacle: Suggestion: man up, do the correct thing, and give Christine O’Donnell a proper interview, post-haste. The media, in general, is engaged in a McCarthyite war against a lawful candidate, and the WaPo ought to be extinguishing, rather than […]

At Bielat HQ, Ready for the Road Trip

NEWTON, Mass. — Here at Sean Bielat campaign headquarters on a Saturday afternoon, Ace of Spades and several of his readers are running the phone banks: “Hey, my name’s Ace. Would you like Sean Bielat to build you a robot?” The big news today is that Sean Bielat is the top fundraiser in Massachusetts: In […]

Where He’s Building Ace a Robot: Inside Sean Bielat’s Campaign Headquarters

BOSTON — As everyone knows, this unprecedented effort to defeat Barney Frank really caught fire Sept. 22 when Ace of Spades coined the Official Campaign Slogan: Sean Bielat For Congress When he’s not killing terrorists, he’s building fuckin’ robots Although this slogan hasn’t yet appeared on billboards in Massachusetts’ 4th District, I’m sure it’s only a […]

Stock Market Inflation: The Rich Get Richer Because the Fed Is Cheating You

One of Instapundit’s savvy readers writes: The latest surge higher in the Dow is folks betting on a Bernanke “put” . . . that the Fed will debase the dollar so much that prices will rise in nominal terms. Stocks aren’t going up in gold or Euro terms. You don’t have to be a “gold […]

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