If There Is Any Value Whatsoever In The Current US Middle-East Policy. . .
by Smitty Consider this: what you’re seeing the US do now is essentially what Ron Paul’s non-interventionist approach would look like. So consider that, ye Paul fans, as the butcher’s bill grows and reddens.
Report: Obama Smashed the Tea Party Through a Plate-Glass Window
“What is necessary is to raise the cost on the right of going after the left. In other words, find a rightwinger’s [sic] and smash it through a plate-glass window. Take a snapshot of the bleeding mess and send it out in a Christmas card to let the right know that it needs to live […]
Soap Operas Are Not Documentaries (and ‘Feminism’ Is a Word With a Definition)
There has been, as Da Tech Tech Guy notes, quite a bit of sex talk lately on the right side of blogosphere. The Kathryn Jean Lopez column that inspired my musings on the Contraceptive Culture leads Little Miss Attila to many musings of her own, including this: [A]s a former hippie I find the notion of […]
Ace on ‘Context’
The thuggery against Tabitha Hale compels him: The media slips an awful lot past the public with the word “context.” They frequently claim they don’t carry stories like this because the “context” doesn’t support making it worthy of mention. . . . 1. We don’t have to patrol the left for violence because the left […]
What Ace Said
A post he did five days ago just got a huge “Heh” yesterday, and perhaps you see why: On the other hand, goddamn if I am not weary of a barbaric desert nomad culture of rape and outrage while carrying around a ton of chip-on-the-shoulder arrogance-hiding-profound-insecurity about it all. Oh right, a thousand years ago they […]
Coolest Nature Video Evah!
Completely ripped off from Ace of Spades HQ: I’d feel guilty about ripping off that video, except (a) it was posted there seven hours ago, which means about 35,000 people have seen it already, so it’s not like I’m depriving them of traffic, and (b) let’s face it, at least 90% of my shtick is […]
Dreams of a Government Shutdown?
Republicans in the House have been pulling long hours to enact a continuing resolution that would extend funding for the rest of the fiscal year. And if they fail to get it passed before the current continuing resolution runs out, they plan to pass a stopgap short-term measure to prevent a government shutdown. Meanwhile, it […]
Ace? Is That You?
OK, so I was watching the “Academic Vagina” video I posted earlier, and then I noticed another video from the same site. Watch it: See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. Did you see the guy at the 35-second mark, playing Tekken in class? If that’s not Ace of Spades, it’s his twin […]
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