The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Answer: Because I Really Do Not Need A Rocket Suppository

by Smitty Ace asks: “Why Is the Media Covering Up The Kill Team Story?“. It was quite wrong for the media to endanger troops in the W era over Abu Ghraib. If you’ve let your emotional horses out of the barn, and feel that news of what a handful of twistos have done should be […]

Ace Miffed At Portman For Doing What She Does?

by Smitty I’m afraid I don’t grasp the nature of the criticism of Natalie Portman, whose Black Swan flick I still haven’t seen. Come to think of it, my only knowledge of the lady is that the Slashdot crowd fantasizes about her petrified, naked, and covered in hot grits. So what if she was also […]

Helping Ace With His Joe Lieberman Blogging

by Smitty For Heaven’s sake, Ace: you can’t have a title like Joe Lieberman: “You Can’t Stay Out of These Things [Foreign Wars Like Libya]… You Have To Take Chances” without reaching for the ABBA: Sung from Momar’s vantage, the lyrics take on grotesque irony.

On ‘Economic Terrorism’: It Pays To Under-React

by Smitty The blogosphere seems to be catching fire concerning Stephen Lerner at Pace University. It sounds like really ‘spooky dude’ stuff. Combined with JounoList, it makes conspiracy theories about the 2008 economic cratering seem tempting. I’m wondering when the counter-sting will occur. With the Left reeling from Beck/Breitbart/O’Keefe, one of the things I’d expect, […]

Multilateral Retardation

What slapped me upside the head in Obama’s press conference yesterday was his insistence that an “international consensus” justified the attacks on Libya, and that multilateralism was a “core principle” of his foreign policy. Nothing could be more harmful, more calculated to infringe U.S. sovereignty. This undermines the proper goal of foreign policy, namely the pursuit […]

Troubleshooting ‘Beyond the Welfare State’

by Smitty (hat tip Monty at AoSHQ) Yuval Levin’s essay at National Affairs is quite well written, and well conceived. Furthermore, it’s a more reasonable conversation starter than I would produce, because it accepts the historical fact of the welfare state as a given, and proceeds to argue the case from there. Monty moves in […]

Can You Hear Me Cheering From The Middle Of Asia?

by Smitty (via Cubachi) Oh Kentucky, the pride you must feel in having a Senator who is packin’ the gear: Senator Rand Paul unveiled his five-year path to a balanced budget, which includes cutting four federal government departments: Departments of Education, Energy, Commerce and Housing and Urban Development. The proposal also calls for the repeal […]

Stuff the NY Times Doesn’t Mention

Who promotes racism today? The freaking media, that’s who. It’s their tiptoe-around-unfortunate-facts attitude — this politically-correct worldview whose peculiar biases are never explicitly admitted, but which we must instead attempt to infer by occasional clues — that creates a distinct species of suspicion, because there’s this cone of silence surrounding things people know but can never say out […]

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