The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Obama’s Basic Problem: They Don’t Teach Economics at Harvard Law School

Ace of Spades points out the obvious: When Obama was on this supposed non-political listening tour in swing states, he actually wasn’t presenting a plan, of course. He was promising he would have a plan. That’s odd, isn’t it? All Obama knows about economics is what his neo-Keynesian advisers tell him about the glorious benefits […]

Give An Over-Reaching Government A Sales Tax: What Could Go Wrong?

by Smitty Ace toys with the notion of a national sales tax. Let’s put it like this. Once upon a time, a certain uncle had too much crap. He had houses, boats, cars, furniture, businesses, sweethearts, the works. Managing all the crap was a significant burden, with all of the insurance, maintenance, travel time, licensing, […]

How Cute Is This Video?

It’s cute enough to gain AOSHQ contributor R.D. Brewer admission to the prestigious “ReTweeted by Alyssa Milano” Club: Alyssa is a connoisseur of cute videos, so as soon as R.D. posted this in Ace of Spades HQ Headlines, I knew she was gonna love this: You gotta admit: That’s a minute and 28 seconds of […]

Fake Twitter Girls?

Friday, Jennifer Preston at the New York Times had an intriguing story about the “Betty and Veronica” sideshow of WeinerGate. I was up to my neck in Right Online at the time, and so didn’t get around to blogging about it Friday, but to those of us who followed WeinerGate in-depth from Day One, this is […]

VIDEO: ‘Neither Explicit Nor Indecent’ Also, How Not to Get Banned at AOSHQ

Here is an Associated Press video report about WeinerGate: Keep in mind that Anthony Weiner spent the first 10 days of this scandal telling lie after lie after lie, until Andrew Breitbart finally started publishing the pictures Weiner had sent to Meagan Broussard. And even in his Monday press conference confession, Weiner continued telling lies, among other […]

CNN’s Toobin on May 31: ‘What Andrew Breitbart Was Insinuating About [Weiner] With Young Girls Is Outrageous’

There’s no possible way Breitbart could be right, right, right, while CNN’s “senior legal analyst” was wrong, wrong, wrong — or is there? “This is a silly little thing that happened”? “Not a big deal”? Yeah, idiot: Tell that to the cops who just interviewed the teenage girl in Delaware! Maybe some of the numbskulls […]

Feminism and the ‘Friendly Stranger’

“How many coeds do you have to dick-dial behind the back of your pregnant wife before someone notices that maybe that’s not exactly congruent with the teachings of Gloria Steinem?” — Ace of Spades, “In Which I Confess Some Doubts” Having resisted the temptation to re-open my long war with Little Miss Attila over the […]

Yub Nub!

Allahpundit had this creepy interview Anthony Weiner gave to ABC News last week: Interesting story by Radar Online and Star magazine: “Weiner Used Jewish Sexual Stereotype To Facebook Sexting Partner.” I’ve been busy the past few hours writing 1,300 words for Tuesday’s American Spectator, so I’ve lost track of what’s been happening online in the […]

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