The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Amazon’s Digital ‘Fahrenheit 451’

  An unbook by an unperson gets unpublished: Every day now seems to bring more news of people being banned from social media, fired from their jobs, or even targeted for violence for expressing disagreement with liberals. Recent victims of this ongoing purge include Infowars host Alex Jones, White House speechwriter Darren Beattie and bestselling […]

Army Deploys 82nd Airborne, Achieves Decisive Victory in Night Attack

BREAKING: Sources at Fort Bragg say U.S. forces achieved a major victory Saturday by deploying the 82nd Airborne Division. . . . 

Birthday Week And The Admiral Of The Ocean Sea

— Wombat-socho This week all three of us that run this here blog celebrate our birthdays, and in fact today’s my 55th birthday. As Mickey Mantle once said, “If I’d known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.” All that aside, since I can’t afford to buy […]

Blame @Instapundit for This

Late Surge in Web Buying Blindsides UPS, Retailers What caused this unexpected surge in online buying? Sunday, I put up a post about Justine Sacco that included this: [H]er liberalism (like all liberalism) is misguided, assuming as it does that the problem of AIDS in Africa (or any similar social problem) results from a shortage […]

Thanks to the Reader Who Bought ‘Call of Duty: Ghosts’ From Our Amazon Links!

There’s still time to do your last-minute Christmas shopping via our Amazon Associates holiday specials, and this week somebody ordered the hottest game of the year, “Call of Duty: Ghosts” for an Xbox 360 system. (It’s also available for PlayStation and other systems.) The sale price was $47.99 and, as with all sales from our […]

Thanks to the Reader Who Bought the LG Electronics 32-Inch LED TV from Amazon

  Is anyone else old enough to remember when a 24-inch TV screen was considered top-of-the-line? Out of curiosity, I took a measuring tape to the home entertainment station in my office (purchased circa 2007) and found that the space for the TV measures 27 inches across. Digital technology has made rapid advances in recent […]

Thanks to the Reader Who Bought the Amazon Kindle Fire 7-Inch HDX Tablet

Somebody’s going to be happy to get this awesome 32-GB WiFi tablet for Christmas, and I reckon one of our readers must have bought it on an Amazon Cyber Monday Deals Week special, because the regular price is $269, whereas our smart shopper paid only $219. Tablets are like the new smartphone or something. All […]

Cyber Monday: Thanks to the Reader Who Bought the $200 Lego Set From Amazon!

  Today is “Cyber Monday,” the biggest online shopping day of the year, when people who didn’t find what they wanted on Black Friday go on the Internet and order from my Amazon Associates links. This has become such a phenomenon, “60 Minutes” reported about it: If you have ever wondered what happens after you’ve […]

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