The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The #RapeCulture of Planned Parenthood

Enabling rapists because . . . choice! Planned Parenthood abortion clinics have come under fire countless times over the years for not reporting cases of statutory rape to authorities as required by state law. Now, in Arizona, officials says the abortion giant failed again to provide the proper report to authorities about a victim of […]

#NOAFW Kinder, Gentler Baby-Killing

Cosmopolitan magazine celebrates the Sacrament of Liberalism: New Jersey abortion clinic counselor Emily Lett got pregnant and recorded a video of her abortion experience, telling her story to “inspire other women to stop the guilt.” Wesley Smith comments: “Ah. good times. Becoming irresponsibly pregnant and then having a birth-like experience of destroying a fetus — […]

Self-Awareness, @AmandaMarcotte? Irony? Some Logical Coherence, Perhaps?

Amanda Marcotte is one of the most wicked people in America today. Her bloodthirsty enthusiasm for abortion is such that she does not hesitate to imagine aborting her own hypothetical offspring: “I don’t want a baby. . . . Nothing will make me want a baby. . . . This is why, if my birth […]

MSNBC’s War on Women: Why Has Network Abandoned Wendy Davis?

Simple answer: Because she’s an embarrassing loser! The liberal journalists at MSNBC have been quite enamored with Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis, constantly promoting her Democratic campaign. Yet, a new poll showing her trailing by 14 points has gone unmentioned on the network. Even more interesting, Republican candidate Greg Abbott is beating Davis even among women, 49-41. The […]

Feminist College Girls Gone … Well, OK, Not ‘Wild,’ Exactly. But My Point Is …

Future Cat Ladies of America, unite! Looking at photos from the “Young Feminist Leadership Conference,” one cannot help feeling a sense of pity: Here they are, young women just starting out in life — some of them moderately attractive, even — committing themselves to a philosophy that guarantees their futures will be consumed by angry […]

Maniac Feminist @LauraLevites Unleashes Anti-Christian Hatred

The problem with trying to keep up with feminist insanity is, while you’re distracted by one deranged nutjob — say, Amanda Marcotte, or that fat chick with paranoid rape fears — another one is likely to go off her meds and completely melt down while you’re not looking. Believe it or not, when she is […]

The @AmandaMarcotte Birth Control ObamaCare Fear-Mongering Crusade

Donald Douglas points out that everyone’s favorite baby-killing enthusiast has found a new focus for her feminist lunatic rage, namely a pending Supreme Court case about the ObamaCare mandate that insurers must provide free contraceptive coverage. Before addressing Amanda Marcotte’s irrational claims directly, let me ask: Does anyone else remember the Iraq War military draft […]

At War With God and Nature: @AmandaMarcotte’s Darwinian Fate

“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” — Genesis 1:28 (KJV) “I don’t want a baby. […]

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