The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Commies for Abortion

PHOTO: Aaron Reiss, Houston Press “Stop Patriarchy” (@StopPatriarchy) is a front group for the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), a Maoist cult led by Bob Avakian, a septuagenarian leftover of 1960s Berkeley radicalism. (For background on these deranged freaks, read the entries “Robert Avakian” and “Revolutionary Communist Party” at Discover the Networks.) So when RCP activist […]

Planned Perversion

“Planned Parenthood’s Sex Ed Pushes BDSM, ‘Asphyxiation’ On Teens” is the headline at, highlighting a new video from Live Action that demonstrates how America’s leading abortion provider is teaching kids about kinky sex. Planned Parenthood’s advocacy of perversion and promiscuity — under the aegis of “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” — isn’t really anything new. They’ve been […]

The #HobbyLobby Hysteria

Years ago, while reporting on federally funded research — the infamous “porn arousal” studies at Northwestern University — I developed what I like to think of as the Existential Theory of Liberalism: To a liberal, nothing exists unless it is mandated, subsidized and/or regulated by the federal government. If you think it is a waste […]

‘The Child Within Me Is Truly Gone … I Hate You, But I Loved You’

Dance teacher Nichol Marie Phelps molested 15-year-old girl. Readers may remember the case of Nichol Marie Phelps, the married 30-year-old dance teacher in Florida who said she would leave her husband for the “hot” 15-year-old student she molested in 2012. Phelps was sentenced to prison last week: Though she’s only 17, the young dancer testified Friday […]

The Darwinian Dead End: Feminists Subtract Themselves From the Future

“To live for the moment is the prevailing passion — to live for yourself, not for your predecessors or posterity. We are fast losing the sense of historical continuity, the sense of belonging to a succession of generations originating in the past and stretching into the future. . . . “Narcissism emerges as the typical […]

‘Population Bomb’ Author Predicts Cheerful Future of Cannibalism

Long ago utterly discredited by the falsehood of his “overpopulation” prophecies, Paul Ehrlich is still taken seriously by liberals. He went on HuffPo Live this week to warn that the depletion of natural resources means soon we’ll be forced to “eat the bodies of your dead,” et cetera: In addition to being full of wild […]

‘Trigger Warning’: How Feminism Promotes Harmful Stereotypes

Is there any stereotype of women more harmful than the idea that women are emotionally delicate creatures incapable of handling stress, prone to hysterical crying at the slightest provocation? And doesn’t the contemporary feminist trope of putting “trigger warnings” on potentially disturbing material tend to justify that stereotype? But we are just too stupid to […]

Democrat Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Recycles ‘War on Women’ Theme

The DNC chairwoman issued a statement on Women’s Health Week in which she evidently presumes that (a) abortion is essential to “women’s health,” (b) opposition to abortion is an “extreme agenda,” and (c) all women think ObamaCare is awesome: [A]t the state and national level, Republicans have repeatedly taken actions that restrict access to health […]

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