The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Gruesome Ghouls of ‘Choice’

Everybody’s been talking about this story all day, but I don’t really know what to say except Planned Parenthood is organized evil. Anyway, via Memeorandum, here are the headlines: Planned Parenthood’s Top Doctor, Praised by CEO, Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts — The Center for Medical Progress Shock Video Catches Planned Parenthood’s Top […]

Five Relatives Arrested in Texas Teen Abortion Horror; Dead Baby Burned

The perverted nightmare culture of Obama’s America: A 14-year-old girl who was impregnated by a relative was beaten by four other family members to induce an abortion, Dallas police say. After the eight-month pregnant girl delivered, the family tried to cover up the crime by burning the stillborn baby on a charcoal grill at a […]

Rand Paul Is Not Stupid

“Turn the camera around,” as Andrew Breitbart said. Make the media’s bias the subject of discussion. Rand Paul did it right today: Rand Paul says he doesn’t want to be grilled about abortion until Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz answers similarly tough questions. . . . Paul, the Kentucky Republican senator who launched […]

Oh No: Rachel Marie Stone Caught At Christianity Today Wielding An Airbrush

by Smitty Why is Christianity Today Defending Racist Abortion Activist Margaret Sanger? — Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) March 14, 2015 “I do not mean to excuse Sanger for holding these views, but I do want to give the charge of ‘eugenicist’ a more complete background,” writes Stone as she chooses to give a selective […]

Renee Ellmers’ Incoherent Logic

Do we want rapists to be prosecuted for their crimes? Yes. How can rapists be prosecuted, if their victims don’t report the crime? They can’t. It would seem logical, therefore, that anyone who wants to prevent rape would be in favor of incentives that encourage victims to report these crimes to police. But good luck […]

The #MarchForLife2015 Thread

WASHINGTON, D.C. The lobby and corridors of this hotel were crowded with Catholic school kids when we checked in yesterday. St. Vincent de Paul of Perryville, Missouri, was the most visible contingent — dozens of kids wearing blue-and-gold letterman’s jackets — but the annual March for Life brings groups from all around the country, not […]

Your Future (or Lack Thereof)

“Male and female created he them” (Genesis 5:2) seems obvious enough. “Be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28) is not a difficult commandment to understand or obey. However, in the modern world, so many people actually think they’re smarter than God that they manage to persuade themselves that extinction is “progress”: A survey by the Japan […]

What To Think Of Kevin Drum

by Smitty He ends his Mother Jones piece on abortion with: So don’t tell me that all the conservative Christians in DesJarlais’ district believe that abortion is murder. They may say they believe it. They may even sincerely think they believe it. But they don’t. I wouldn’t want to get all arrogant and presume to […]

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