The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

You’re #WhyTrumpWon, Nancy Pelosi

  She’s a 76-year-old white woman whose father was the boss of the corrupt Democrat machine in Baltimore during the segregation era, and being married to a multimillionaire California real-estate investor, she’s one of the top 10 richest members of Congress. Democrats in Congress couldn’t have picked a more out-of-touch leader if they had tried. […]

Having a Merry Trump Christmas, Because @Jillboard Hates Jesus

Jillian Gutowitz, trying unsuccessfully to become popular on YouTube, July 2013.’ Jill Gutowitz (@Jillboard on Twitter) is a lesbian feminist Democrat from New Jersey who lives in Los Angeles, where she spent Election Night at a gay bar watching her entire world come crashing down in flames: We thought we’d be able to ring in […]

War on Women: Democrats Ready to Throw Nancy Pelosi Under the Bus?

  The irony here is rather delicious: In the aftermath of Democrats’ demoralizing election defeat, Representative Nancy Pelosi’s bid to return as minority leader has been transformed into a larger debate about what has gone wrong with a party that eight years ago controlled Congress and the White House. Ms. Pelosi, a 76-year-old San Francisco […]

Feminists Hate Donald Trump: The Joys of Happy Fun Victory Week #MAGA

    Say what you will about our President-elect, he’s got all the right enemies, especially feminists like Amanda Marcotte and Jessica Valenti. Having gone all-in for Hillary Clinton, these partisan Democrats spent months inciting irrational hatred toward the Republican candidate, and now they are seeking to exploit the delusional fears they themselves helped create. […]

Democrats Surrender to ‘Fear Itself’

  Republicans are celebrating Happy Fun Victory Week with such amusements as video of Democrats saying Donald Trump would never be president. Democrats, meanwhile, are surrendering to despair. Now that the election is over, liberals are just beginning to notice the extent of losses Democrats have suffered at the state level during the Obama Era: […]

Queer Feminism at Marquette University

“To me as a queer activist and young scholar in the early 1990s, the term queer seemed to capture it all — the political urgency of combating heterosexism, my feeling and knowledge that the binaries of gender and sexual orientation were created through forced conformity and repression, the indeterminateness of my own experiences of gender […]

No, @Clementine_Ford, Men Don’t Hate Women, But They Definitely Hate You

“Like most feminists, I have often been told that I hate men. I’m no longer interested in denying that claim.” — Clementine Ford, May 2015 Last year, it was reported that the birth rate in Australia had fallen to a 10-year low, and the discouraging demographic situation Down Under has merited the attention of the […]

Sex Facts: Robots Don’t Have Babies and There Is No ‘Teenage Pregnancy Crisis’

  In 1999, Maggie Gallagher published “The Age of Unwed Mothers,” in which she conclusively demonstrated that the panic about teenage pregnancy (“kids having kids”) was fundamentally misguided. Contrary to what the media and politicians were telling Americans, teenage motherhood had significantly declined since the 1960s, and what had actually changed about motherhood was the […]

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