The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

GOP Freshmen Will Call for Congressional Investigation of Planned Parenthood

Reacting to a new report about the taxpayer-funded activities of Planned Parenthood, Rep. Renee Ellmers has warned her House colleagues of “systemic fraud and abuse” by the nation’s largest abortion provider. A first-term North Carolina Republican, Ellmers will be joined by fellow GOP freshmen Rep. Rep. Randy Hultgren of Illinois and Rep. Bill Huizenga of Michigan, […]

Science Gone Wrong

Instapundit’s enthusiasm for all things scientific leads him to write this headline: MORE WOMEN ARE freezing their eggs to make babies later. Makes sense. Well, excuse me for disagreeing. It is a preposterously stupid idea to encourage women deliberately to postpone first-time motherhood until they are middle-aged, without concern for the obvious arguments against such a decision. For […]

Wow! Strange Plot Twists in #WeinerGate’s Third Act

A sentence you won’t see me write very often: Tommy Christopher has done some excellent reporting. Tommy’s story about @PatriotUSA and a 16-year-old girl who (falsely) claimed her friend was involved in Twitter “sexting” with Rep. Anthony Weiner is an absolute must-read. (BTW, Mediaite has posted Tommy’s story as five different pages, without a “single page view” or […]

‘The Light of the World’

That painting by Charles Chambers is titled The Light of the World. Many years ago, a print of that painting hung in a first-grade classroom. But then the Supreme Court forbade religion in public schools, which meant the painting of baby Jesus had to go, and so the teacher took it home with her. Years […]

Good-Bye, Global Population Control!

And it’s certainly about time! Spurred on by a public vote in which pro-life advocates said cutting funding for the pro-abortion UNFPA agency was their top desire, Congressional Republicans have filed legislation to yank millions from the UN organization. . . . The vote at the popular YouCut web site makes it so the public […]

Dept. of Bad Analogies

“Last Friday, Kansas legislators approved a ban on insurance companies offering abortion coverage as part of their general health plans.” This is in itself problematic. I’m pro-life, but I don’t like the idea of government bossing around insurance companies, telling them who and what they should or should not cover. And this description of the […]

Because Life Is Beautiful

“I’ve never set out to win a popularity contest. I came from [being previously pro-choice], but when I was confronted with the science — and I spoke to top scientists throughout our country asking, ‘Would you please just show me some shred of evidence that the unborn is not a human being?’ and no one […]

Rachel Maddow’s ‘Man Cave’ Moment: Planned Parenthood Does Oil Changes?

Monday night on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow went off on a tangent so incredibly weird that it is almost impossible to describe. The topic was Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, who had apparently signed legislation defunding Planned Parenthood in his state. Maddow then evidently decided that guys in the audience failed to understand why Planned Parenthood is […]

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