The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Get God Back in Our Culture’

“One of the reasons we have this moral crisis today is because too many people are trying to take God out of our culture, little by little. … The way we’re going to protect the unborn in this nation is to work on the right problem, get God back in our culture.” — Herman Cain, […]

‘Controversy’ Over: National Right to Life Vouches for Cain’s Pro-Life Bona Fides

We should consider the abortion kerfuffle kicked off by the Piers Morgan interview Wednesday as being decisively ended now: The National Right to Life Committee is today [Friday] vouching for Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain’s bona fides, saying the businessman who is considered by many to be the current GOP frontrunner is pro-life. … “Herman Cain’s pro-life,” […]

‘Money Is Fungible’: ObamaCare and the Fight to Defund Planned Parenthood

Calling for Congress to pass the Protect Life Act — which would prevent Planned Parenthood from getting funded by ObamaCare — Charmaine Yoest of Americans United for Life said: ““Money is fungible. Taxpayers should not be involuntary donors to the abortion industry and health care workers’ conscience rights must be protected.” (Click here for full statement.) […]

House GOP: ‘Instead of Raising Taxes, Why Don’t We Stop Funding Abortion?’

An excellent suggestion! A Congressional committee has taken the first steps in investigating the Planned Parenthood abortion business over abuses ranging from financial disparities to its compliance with federal regulations on taxpayer funding to concerns that it is covering up cases of sex trafficking. In a September 15 letter obtained, Rep. Cliff Stearns, a […]

President Obama: He May Be Losing the Congressional Black Caucus …

. . . and when even Maxine Waters seems disaffected, you gotta wonder who’s still on his side. But there is one constituency whose loyalty toward Obama is unshakeable: The Abortion Industry!

Bachmann Will Co-Host, Rick Perry Will Co-Chair Pro-Life Group’s November Gala

Need a demonstration of the continued influence of the pro-life movement in Republican Party politics? When Americans United for Life announced its 40th anniversary gala, the long list of congressional co-hosts included Michele Bachmann — who just won the Iowa GOP straw poll — while Texas Gov. Rick Perry is among three honorary co-chairs for […]

VIDEO: ‘Demographic Winter’

My wife and I have six children, which is three times the national average in the U.S. People often ask, “Are you Catholic?” No, we’re proudly Protestant. Yet one cannot ignore the fact that, almost alone among major Christian denominations, the Catholic Church has a well-developed pro-life, pro-family doctrine as part of its basic belief […]

Pro-Life Republicans Hail ‘Blueprint’ for Investigation of Planned Parenthood

“This is a blueprint — this is an engraved invitation to investigate,” Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) said Thursday of a new report documenting taxpayer-funded abuses by the nation’s largest abortion provider. “Planned Parenthood has never been adequately investigated,” he said. Smith, a veteran pro-life leader in Congress, was one of several House Republicans who called for hearings during […]

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