The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Cites Virginia Ultrasound Law in Fundraising E-Mail

The chairwoman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee cites an “atrocious” new Virginia law requiring ultrasounds prior to abortions as an attack on “women’s rights” in a fundraising e-mail sent to Democratic donors today. “There are still 450 other bills on birth control and abortion in state legislatures across the country,” Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-Florida) […]

NARAL Is Orgasmic That Women Can Get Birth Control Without A Copay. Drugs They May, You Know, Need? No’ So Much

by Smitty First of all, my wife’s name is not Jane Smith. But Mrs. The Other Smitty heard this ad and was genuinely offended. The text: Jane Smith! Your prescription’s ready for pick-up at the pharmacy counter! Thank you! That was fast. How much do I owe? No charge. This is covered without a co-pay […]

Obama’s Contraceptive Disinformation

Some readers may wonder why I haven’t published anything about the battle over mandatory contraceptive coverage under ObamaCare. Basically, it’s because every time I try to do it, I tend to write a couple of thousand words before discarding the draft. However, yesterday I was CC’d on an e-mail that some crazy woman sent to multiple […]

Tragedy in Two JPEGs

by Smitty This has been all over the net. Most recently from Power Line. But it showed up in the Reader along with the following, via iOwnTheWorld: Update: linked by Surber and Dell.

Ron Paul Campaign Flyer Emphasizes Opposition to Gay Marriage, Abortion

HOLLIS, N.H. Ron Paul has won many converts in New Hampshire with his libertarian-influenced anti-war message, but a flyer circulated by the Texas congressman’s campaign here emphasizes Paul’s Christian faith, pro-life position and opposition to same-sex marriage. “I believe marriage is between one man and one woman,” the flyer quotes Paul as saying, expressing his […]

Santorum Attacked in Iowa With Same Smear Used Earlier Against Gingrich

Steve Ertelt of Life News reports: For the second time, people opposed to one of the Republican presidential candidates have misappropriated the name of a prominent Iowa pro-life organization attack the candidate in the state that holds the fist caucus tomorrow. In December someone used the name of Iowans for Life on fliers distributed at […]

Born That Way: The Strange Sisterhood Of Meggie Mac And San Fran Nan

— by Wombat-socho Young Miss McCain is in the news again, pouting that Newt isn’t taking her seriously. This is just common sense on the former speaker’s part. No Republican, much less conservative, with two functional brain cells regards the daughter of Stacy’s Crazy Cousin John as anything but an object for derision and mockery. […]

Radiance Foundation On ‘Zo Nation: NAACP And ACLU Hardest Hit

by Smitty Meet the man Planned Parenthood fears. Ryan Bomberger wants more black parents to choose life over abortion, and believes that abortion is hitting epidemic levels in black communities. Is Planned Parenthood racist? Find out. Click the image to view: Abortion is possibly the oldest Lefty evil. Thank St. Albert of Gore for the […]

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