The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

When Liberals Tell the Truth

It’s usually not pretty. Tim Graham at Newbusters catches a DKos diarist telling the truth about what liberals think of babies: “Sasharusha” blogs “back to the whole fetus= parasite thing. That is how I see them. I don’t see them as cute and cuddly. I see them as terrifying and scary. I see pregnancy the […]

If An Academic Says It, That Makes It OK

by Smitty Check out this picture of the World’s Youngest Blogger a year ago: Via Breitbart: Two medical ethicists connected to Oxford University are arguing in Oxford’s Journal of Medical Ethics that babies have no moral status, and can be killed because they are only “potential persons” rather than “actual persons.” They also argue that […]

They Know Which Side They’re On

Pornographers and abortionists: A porn studio in California has selected a pro-abortion research group formerly affiliated with the Planned Parenthood abortion business as a recipient of its donation. Girlfriends Films operates a monthly charity program that has made donations to legitimate community groups but also to the Planned Parenthood abortion business. Now, the pro-abortion Guttmacher […]

How Wrong Was Michelle Goldberg About Wisconsin Planned Parenthood Bombing? UPDATE: ‘I Lit Up the Clinic,’ Suspect Told Police; Offers Guilty Plea at Hearing

“Typically, we see an upsurge in anti-abortion violence . . . when the anti-abortion movement kind of thinks it was on the verge of victory, and then finds itself somehow thwarted. . . . When there’s frustration among the anti-abortion forces, violence often results.” — Michelle Goldberg on MSNBC, April 2, 2012 What do we […]

Police Charge Career Criminal in Wisconsin Planned Parenthood Bombing

Jim Collar of the Appleton (Wisc.) Post-Crescent reports: Police and federal investigators suspect a Brillion man who has an extensive criminal record was responsible for planting the homemade explosive that ignited a Sunday fire at a Planned Parenthood clinic. The 50-year-old man was jailed early Tuesday morning for violating terms of his probation, though police […]

BREAKING: Police Arrest Suspect in Planned Parenthood Bombing

A man with a criminal record — he was out on probation — has been taken into custody in connection with the incident in Grand Chute, the Appleton (Wisc.) Post-Crescent reports: Police say they have identified the person who placed a homemade explosive device that went off Sunday and damaged Planned Parenthood’s Gillett Street clinic. […]

Question the Timing: Planned Parenthood Bombing Before Wisconsin Primary?

Watching MSNBC can be a weird experience. About 3 a.m., unable to sleep, I was flipping around the channels and happened onto Ed Schultz — who reminds me of every mean drunk I ever knew — going on and on about the alleged Republican “War on Women.” I had the sound muted on the TV […]

Shocking Republican Sex Scandals!

According to a new scientific study, Republicans hate new scientific studies, but it is a scientific fact that Republican women have vaginas, and evidence suggests they know how to use ’em. That’s right: Research indicates that the vagina functions as part of what scientists refer to as the “reproductive system” and that certain activities involving the vagina […]

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