The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz: ‘You Know Who Likes Killing Babies? Jews Do!’

The headline is not a direct quote, but this is: “[T]he president has an incredible record of support and advocacy on the issues, domestically, that Jews care about — fighting, for example, to make sure that women have the right to make their own reproductive choices . . .” OK, so why does the Democratic […]

Irony-Impaired Planned Parenthood Hosts Mother’s Day Fundraiser
UPDATE: New York Democrat Offers Another Ironic Suggestion!

Do they lack a sense of irony? Or have no sense of shame? As families across the nation gather to celebrate Mother’s Day, others will gather to support the abortion industry. Never one to miss a fundraising opportunity, a New York affiliate of Planned Parenthood is hosting a Mother’s Day brunch to support the clinic. […]

Kate Beckinsale’s Ghastly Vagina of Death: Another Ex-Starlet Aborts Her Career

Formerly attractive actress Kate Beckinsale, before she turned her vagina into a political statement. Maybe you have heard of Kate Beckinsale, an actress who used to be considered attractive. In fact, when she was still young — about 15 years ago — guys who saw her nude scene in Uncovered widely regarded Beckinsale as “hot.” As […]

So Funny, When Feminism Thinks The Unborn Should Die

by Smitty Funny or Die dives deep into the grave here: What a creepy, sick, Orwellian world these feminists live in. Remind me again why any mature, masculine male would want to be in the same room as these abattoir-vaginas, much less offering them any essence to destroy? I guess I should say “choose to […]

The ‘Million Ugly Women’ March

OK, I’m lying. There weren’t really a million of them: On Saturday, a coalition of women’s rights, feminist, labor, progressive and pro-choice groups organized marches in over 50 cities nationwide to protest in favor of President Obama’s health care agenda and against any restriction on abortion rights. Photojournalist Ringo of Ringo’s Pictures attended the Los […]

Five Academy Award-Winning Beauties Who Are Moms (Unlike Ashley Judd)

When people think of factors involved in Hollywood success, motherhood probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. Despite what the embittered rantings of childless pro-abortion fanatic Ashley Judd might lead you to believe, however, many of the world’s most famous actresses have shown that women can have glamour, a successful movie career, critical […]

Ashley Judd Makes Cruel and Tasteless Jokes About Abortion in Political Video

Barren middle-aged actress Ashley Judd in scene from ‘Rick Santorum Aborts Presidential Campaign’ video When last we heard from bitter, childless, menopausal Ashley Judd, the over-the-hill ex-starlet gave us a feminist lecture about how she was being victimized by the oppressive gossip-blog patriarchy. Last week, however, Judd joined forces with three more attractive actresses — fellow […]

Ironic Payback for Philly Democrat

Pennsylvania State Rep. Babette Josephs Does the name Babette Josephs ring a bell? You may remember last month Josephs, a Democratic Pennsylvania state legislator from Philadelphia, harshly criticized Republicans, especially GOP women who supported a bill to require ultrasounds before abortions: Josephs’ remarks came at a political rally sponsored by the Lancaster County Democratic Committee, […]

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