The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Discount Death

You stay classy, death merchants: A Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in southern Florida is offering a black Friday discount — including $10 off a visit to the abortion center today. Planned Parenthood of South Florida and the Treasure Coast offered the special, saying, “Visit our West Palm Beach or Kendall Health Center for special after […]

Michelle Obama Used Partial-Birth Abortion as 2004 Fundraising Issue

Tony Lee has the story at Breitbart News: Michelle Obama wrote a letter in 2004 endorsing partial-birth abortions, a heinous procedure that involves removing an unborn baby during the latter stages of the second trimester or early stages of the third trimester and crushing the back of her head with scissors. Obama, in a fundraising […]

As Predicted: Now That Obama Is Losing, Democrats Play the Mormon Card

Am I shocked? Not really, although the details are so despicably evil that President Obama himself should be required to denounce it: Just a week ago, I reported a call from an Obama supporter received by a Catholic in Pennsylvania. The caller, identifying herself as Catholic, insisted Obama was not pro-abortion and Planned Parenthood did […]

God Have Mercy On Manhattan

by Smitty According to the Chairoscuro Foundation, New York City’s disastrous abortion rate – 41 percent of all pregnancies in the city end in abortion – is largely the result of repeat abortions. The highest rate of abortion in New York City is in the Manhattan Chelsea-Clinton neighborhood, where 67 percent of pregnancies in end […]

The Politics of Dumb

In a Twitter exchange with Steve Ertelt of — who has called on Todd Akin to step aside — I made this point: There is a price to be paid for pandering and dumbing down: You attract stupid voters — and stupid candidates. There are people who claim that Todd Akin is not irremediably stupid. […]

Report: Republican Todd Akin Will Withdraw From Missouri Senate Race

Ace of Spades reports that both Erick Erickson and Richard Grinnell are saying on Twitter that Akin will exit the campaign. The furor over Akin’s remarks about “legitimate rape” — as Michelle Malkin calls it, “The Todd Akin Mess” — currently accounts for the top 23 threads on Memeorandum. UPDATE: This horrible botch can be blamed […]

Todd Akin And Amendment 2.5

by Smitty One of those people you really don’t want to upset, Dana Loesch, is truly hacked off at those assailing Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin: Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin appeared on a local St. Louis television show (below) and discussed his thoughts on abortion, even in the instance of rape or incest, which […]

Chicago Woman Dies After Abortion

A 24-year-old Chicago woman died Friday after receiving an abortion at a Planned Parenthood clinic, CBS News reports. Tonya Reaves died of a hemorrhage after undergoing a type of abortion procedure called “cervical dilation and evacuation” at the Michigan Avenue clinic, according to the medical examiner’s officer. “It happened so fast,” the dead woman’s twin sister, […]

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