The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Doctor Death: 29-Year-Old Patient Dies After Late-Term Abortion in Maryland UPDATE: Complete Media Blackout by Feminists, Major News Organizations

Oops! I almost forgot the #WarOnWomen hashtag: WOMAN DIES AFTER BOTCHED ABORTION… – via @stevenertelt #tcot #prolife — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) February 8, 2013 Dr. LeRoy Carhart is one of America’s most notorious abortionists. He specializes in late-term abortion and, unless you actually know what’s involved in it, you cannot possibly imagine what […]

New TV Series: ‘Atlanta Blood Money’

Meagan McBrayer: Her daddy got rich by killing babies No, wait — I’m sorry, the actual name of the new reality-TV show on the Style network is Big Rich Atlanta, but this involves the question of how these shallow trampy women became rich: The cast includes two women named Marcia Marchman and Meagan McBrayer, the ex-wife […]

The Roe v. Wade Inversion

by Smitty The idea of ‘reproductive rights’ is as bad an inversion as ‘Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’. What, exactly, is ‘reproductive’ about murder? This is probably the most un-intentionally diabolical 1:40 worth of video ever cut: The body language here is that the sexual means is its own end. All that matters is […]

The Filthy Rotten Party of Corruption, Treason, Fraud, Sodomy and Abortion

Charles Rangel: Why ‘corrupt Democrat’ is a redundancy In a Twitter colloquy with Susan Cloud, producer of the Mark Davis radio show, I found myself compelled to explain and defend my previous criticisms of National Review. The problem, really, is that Republicans just don’t hate Democrats the way Democrats hate Republicans. Most Republicans are born and […]

Liberal Ethics: If It’s OK to Kill Babies, Why Is It Wrong to Molest Children?

Not an entirely moot question, now that the former executive director of a pro-abortion group has been busted in a sex  sting operation: Scott Richard Swirling, 61, thought he was discussing plans to meet a District man who was offering to let him have sex with his preteen daughter, authorities said. It turns out Swirling […]

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Has A Point: Having Aborted Common Sense, Babies Should Be Easy For Charlie Crist

by Smitty Will the altars of Moloch be smiling in the Sunshine State? Wasserman Schultz added that Crist was “going to have to prove himself with some of our Democratic leaders before that’s a sure thing.” The only thing “sure” about Charlie is that he’s looking out for #1. When DeFede asked the congresswoman about […]

Ironic Headline of the Day

NARAL President Quitting, Cites Lack of Young Abortion Activists —

Boehlert’s Nemesis @BethanyBowra Now Takes Sandra Fluke to the Woodshed; UPDATE: Pwnage Complete After Boehlert Blocks Bowra on Twitter

Bethany Bowra is a 16-year-old high school student who has already achieved remarkable success. And by “remarkable success,” of course I mean, she got denounced on Twitter by Eric Boehlert. Of all the obnoxious bozos on the Left who hated Andrew Breitbart, none hated him more than Eric Boehlert, so it’s sort of like a Pulitzer Prize […]

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