The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Why Does @BridgetteDunlap Want to Suppress the Truth About Abortion?

Monday night, after praising Jill Stanek’s reporting of this story, I found myself criticized on Twitter by Bridgette Dunlap, a law student who has a fellowship at Fordham University’s Leitner Center for International Law and Justice: @rsmccain family of deceased should look into suing her for intentional infliction of emotional distress & invasion of privacy […]

Maryland Attorney General Investigates Abortionist Linked in Woman’s Death

Steve Ertelt at Life News reports: Following a new probe started by local officials, the Maryland Attorney General has opened an investigation into the late-term abortion practitioner who killed a woman last week in a botched abortion. The Maryland Attorney General’s office is not specifically looking into the death of 29-year-old woman from a botched […]

Media Embargo Slowly Crumbling on Jennifer McKenna Morbelli’s Death

Jennifer McKenna Morelli with her future husband in 2008 Jennifer Morbelli died last Thursday at Shady Grove Hospital in the Maryland suburbs of D.C. after undergoing a gruesome third-term abortion ordeal at Dr. LeRoy Carhart’s Germantown Reproductive Health clinic. A 29-year-old married kindergarten teacher in the affluent Westchester County suburbs of New York, Morbelli had […]

Despite Death in Carhart Clinic, Fanatics Want to Open Abortion Clinic in Wichita

Their obessive devotion to baby-killng is remarkable: Wichita, Kansas, has been without a local abortion provider since an anti-abortion extremist murdered Dr. George Tiller in his church in May 2009. Now, one of Tiller’s former employees has bought his clinic and intends to reopen it this spring. The Trust Women Foundation, led by former Tiller […]

How Many More Women Will Die Before Abortionist LeRoy Carhart Is Stopped?

“LeRoy Carhart is likely the most prominent abortionist in America. “Carhart was the plaintiff in two U.S. Supreme Court cases, Stenberg v. Carhart in 2000 . . . and Gonzales v. Carhart in 2007 . . . “Carhart is also one of four abortionists . . . featured in the new documentary, After Tiller, which […]

Carhart Victim Identified: N.Y. Woman Sought Abortion for ‘Fetal Abnormalities’

Jennifer McKenna Morelli with her future husband in 2008 Oh, this is heartbreaking: Jill Stanek reports that the woman who died at Dr. LeRoy Carhart’s Maryland clinic was a 29-year-old kindergarten teacher. Jennifer McKenna Morbelli of New Rochelle, N.Y., taught at Church Street Elementary in White Plains. She was married, and this was a wanted […]

Finally: Washington Post Covers Death of Woman at Maryland Abortion Clinic… Damn it, @jeffquinton, you forgot the hashtag. #WarOnWomen — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) February 10, 2013 Friday, I described a complete blackout by the mainstream media in regard to reports that a 29-year-old woman died after a late-term abortion at the clinic of the notorious Dr. LeRoy Carhart. In particular, I called out the Washington Post […]

Teenage Sex in the News (Also: Questions the SPLC Doesn’t Want You to Ask)

Item One: A judge in England refused to impose a prison sentence for statutory rape on an 18-year-old man who had sex with “a 13-year-old girl he groomed on Facebook” because Adil Rashid “went to an Islamic faith school where he was taught that women are worthless.” So, basically, if you’re a Muslim guy in […]

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