The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Unspeakable Evil: Planned Parenthood Obstructs Child Rape Investigation

When I first heard this, I couldn’t believe it, but it’s true. Last year, a 31-year-old illegal immigrant named Luis Gonzalez-Jose raped an 11-year-old girl who became pregnant. The man took the girl to a Planned Parenthood clinic where he pretended to be her father and told the staff the girl had been impregnated by […]

Just in Time for Halloween: ‘The Evil Baby-Killing Monster From Hell’

Otherwise known as “choice”: The mother accused of suffocating her newborn then dumping the body in the tank of a bar toilet will go on trial for the child’s death. On Monday, Northampton County Magisterial Judge David Tidd ruled that Amanda Catherine Hein should go on trial for criminal homicide. Hein was charged in August […]

Contraceptive Culture: Normalizing the Abnormal and, Also, Vice-Versa

Sex is about reproduction. This is the natural function of sex, biologically speaking, and it’s odd how the same liberal fanatics who enjoy endlessly lecturing us about Darwinism and global warming — “The science is settled!” — are so unscientific about sex. Instead, the sexual enthusiasms of liberals tend toward sterile non-procreative acts, while they […]

Her Name is Molly Anne Dutton …

. . . but she almost didn’t have a name, because if not for a woman’s courageous decision, she never even would have had a life: Auburn University selected its 100th Miss Homecoming in Molly Anne Dutton this weekend. . . . The 22-year-old’s biological mother was faced with an extremely difficult situation. The victim of a sexual […]

Baby-Killer Dr. Susan Robinson Whines That Her Ghoulish Career Is ‘Stigmatized’

Jodi Giddings at Victory Girls writes about Dr. Susan Robinson, one of only four . . . well, “doctors” is the word, but it seems somehow inappropriate to describe someone whose business is death: Only four American doctors remain who perform third-trimester abortions. One of those “doctors” is Susan Robinson. Dr. Robinson, aside from her other duties […]

Disagreement as ‘Harassment’? @StephHerold Says Tell the FBI

“You are just an ignorant, inarticulate, hate-filled bigot — a typical American — and you are so insignificant that Sara Alcid can’t be bothered to notice.” — Robert Stacy McCain Talking back to a Queer Feminist is a now evidently a hate crime or something, and Badger Pundit chronicles how my reply to a “reproductive […]

Baby-Hater @AmandaMarcotte Rather Laments the Survival of the Royal Baby

Question: How much do you hate @AmandaMarcotte? Answer: Not as much as @AmandaMarcotte hates babies. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) July 22, 2013 The World’s Most Wretched Woman™ has further disgraced herself by making grossly inappropriate Twitter comments about the birth of Kate Middleton’s baby. When informed by sane people that her comments were, at […]

Texas Democrat Party Aborting Itself to Oblivion: No Life, No Future, No Hope UPDATE: Hope, Change, Feces, Urine

Last week, we learned Planned Parenthood offered to hire protesters for their “pro-choice” campaign in Texas. Evidently, they’re an equal opportunity employer and hire the mentally ill: Ever wondered why Texas Democrats haven't won a statewide election in 20 years? | @BeccaJLower @SteveWorks4You #tcot — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) July 12, 2013 This is […]

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