The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Today’s Ray Of Hope: Baal Going On Enforced Diet, Film At 11

— compiled by Wombat-socho From Operation Rescue (h/t Jeff Quinton on Facebook): Operation Rescue has concluded an exhaustive survey of abortion clinics in the U.S. and is pleased to announce that it has documented a record number of abortion clinic closures in 2013, during which time 87 surgical abortion clinics halted abortions. From the Grauniad […]

Family Values as a Math Problem

While reading Professor William Jacobson’s take on the Utah polygamy decision, I noticed that in the comments, someone had linked a Census Bureau report that included this odd sentence: The proportion of one-person households increased by 10 percentage points between 1970 and 2012, from 17 percent to 27 percent. Uh, no: The proper way to […]

Shocking Video: ‘Coven’ of Pro-Abortion Women Attack Church in Argentina

You may have seen this video earlier — Ed Morrissey featured it at Hot Air — but I didn’t see it until it was tweeted to me by Covenant College student Keifer Wynn and, because it was in Spanish, at first I wasn’t quite sure what I was looking at. “Abortistas atacan a católicos que […]

The #TexasWomenForever Baby-Killer Democrat Online Fund-Raising Flop

Last night, I noticed Amy Kremer of Tea Party Express having this discussion with someone on the #TexasWomenForever hashtag: .@Auragasmic would your mom be proud of that tweet? #TexasWomenForever — Amy Kremer (@AmyKremer) November 19, 2013 I guess since I don't normally engage on social issues, I've nvr realized how vile these ppl can […]

Never Doubt @AmandaMarcotte’s Commitment to Baby-Killing

Weapons grade stupidity on display. RT @RBPundit: BREAKING: @AmandaMarcotte is a sociopath. — Sean Agnew (@seanagnew) November 18, 2013 For some reason, the world’s most fanatical feminist decided to follow her own logic to the absolute nadir of absurdity: Catching cold is the “consequence” of being around other people. I assume you refuse antibiotics, […]

Feminists Fear the Republican Uterus

“Feminism is the theory; lesbianism is the practice.” — Ti-Grace Atkinson, 1971 “The political economy of socialist feminism establishes that, in contemporary society, women suffer a special form of exploitation and oppression.” — Allison Jaggar, 1988 “Marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice.” — Andrea Dworkin, 1989 Professional athletes can spawn with […]

Pro-Abortion Group: ‘Get the Duggars Off TV, Because Auschwitz or Something’

This is crazy. In the comments on an earlier post, somebody linked an article at RH Realty Check, a site that is pro-abortion with the monomaniacal zeal of a Chinese Communist Party “family planning” commissar. I mean, Amanda Marcotte is moderate by comparison. “RH” stands for “Reproductive Health,” which is progressive code for KILL YOUR […]

Lena Dunham and the Politics of Vagina

“If you’ve ever watched Girls or have been aware of the things Lena Dunham says, you’d see a portrait of narcissism and entitlement. … “It is the idea that the women on the show are entitled to men wanting them. Despite any flaw — whether it be physical, emotional, or a lack of accomplishments — they are owed a relationship […]

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