The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Because @EWErickson Is Right

Well, Abortion Barbie does have a vocal fan club. Might be larger except for the open season on anyone under 40 weeks. — Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) January 27, 2014 Greta Van Susteren went off on Erick Erickson’s criticisms of Texas Democrat Wendy Davis. Love ya, Greta, but you’re wrong. Everybodyknows Erick and I fell out […]

Feminists Lie: Why @WendyDavisTexas’s Dishonest Personal Narrative Matters

Professor William Jacobson points out that Democrats now claim it is sexist to criticize Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis for her dishonesty, even though “she made her parenting a critical part of her political narrative.” Professor Glenn Reynolds adds: When women say that Wendy Davis is being treated more harshly than a man, I wonder […]

Hateful @SarahKSilverman Mocks Christianity in Pro-Abortion Video

The Daily Caller’s Caroline May caught this on Friday: In a 5-minute video for “Lady Parts Justice” — the pro-abortion group she formed last year with Daily Show producer Lizz Winstead — Sarah Silverman pretends that she was visited by Jesus Christ, who told her to spread a pro-abortion message. Also, Jesus gives Silverman an […]

So I Guess @PaulWaldman1’s Basic Message Is: ‘Vote Democrat, You Sluts!’

Before addressing Paul Waldman’s partisan nonsense, let’s first briefly discuss chlamydia. This is one of the lesser-known sexually transmitted diseases, not one of the big-name celebrity STDs like syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes and HIV. Despite its comparative obscurity, however, chlamydia is potentially devastating to women. The disease can lead to infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and pelvic inflammatory […]

‘Helpless and Hopeless Creatures’

“Nobody cares about ‘social issues’ anymore, we have been told. Democrats have become the Pervert Party . . . and Republicans are now the Party That Dare Not Disagree. Morality is no longer a matter of the divine ‘thou shalt not’ that Jehovah declared to the Israelites at Mount Sinai. Nowadays, moral authority is determined […]

Let’s Slut-Shame @WendyDavisTexas!

Report: Wendy Davis's real ‘Texas Story’ via @dailycaller — Leslee Andersen (@bookgirl8) January 20, 2014 “Over time, the Davises’ marriage was strained. In November 2003, Wendy Davis moved out. Jeff Davis said that was right around the time the final payment on their Harvard Law School loan was due. ‘It was ironic,’ he said. ‘I […]

NBC’s Maria Shriver Raves About How Abortion Barbie ‘Became a Star’

Erick Erickson dubbed Texas Democrat state Sen. Wendy Davis “Abortion Barbie” last year when she filibustered a bill to reduce the legal window for abortion from 24 to 20 weeks of pregnancy. Stop and think about that for a minute: 24 weeks is nearly six months. Even if you are an advocate of “a woman’s […]

Value Judgments

This seems simple doesn’t it? If it isn’t wrong to kill children, then it can not be wrong to do anything else. . . . Believe it or not, even politically incorrect comments about homosexuality have to be excused if we are to believe that baby killing is a moral act. I’m often told that […]

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