The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Wow! @AmandaMarcotte Really Hates Babies: ‘Time-Sucking Monsters’

  How long have we followed the lunatic career of Amanda Marcotte? At least since 2007, when her anti-Christian ravings got her kicked off the doomed presidential campaign of John Edwards. (Mary Katharine Ham: “Vote for Edwards, Godbag Christofascists!“) Marcotte’s bloodthirsty zeal for baby-killing is notorious, and so we aren’t really surprised when she makes […]

Feminist Professors Gone Wild

Evidently, “pro-choice” is a synonym for “shut up” on our nation’s campuses, Jennifer Kabbany reports at The College Fix: A department of feminist studies professor [at University of California Santa Barbara] has been accused of going berserk after coming across a campus prolife demonstration that used extremely graphic displays, leading a small mob of students […]

Death by ‘Choice’: Contraceptive Risk Means ‘Safe Sex’ Can Be Deadly

Erika Langhart died after using ‘third generation’ birth control. It’s perfectly harmless — until it kills you: What friends of Durango [Colorado] native Erika Langhart seemed to love most about her was her humor. “She had great stories. Ridiculous things always seemed to happen to her,” said Jessica Knutzon, 24, a fellow American University alumni. […]

‘Fairness’ and Feminism

Just to refresh my memory, I’ve spent the past few days re-reading Susan Brownmiller’s feminist memoir In Our Time. You have to be a hard-boiled, strong-minded conservative not to be outraged by Brownmiller’s account of the extreme workplace inequality that once typified her own field, journalism. And the implicit assumption — this is one of […]

Planned Parenthood Video Promotes Bondage and Sadism for Teenagers

This is simply insane: Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (PPNNE) — which received more than $2.75 million in government funding in 2012 — has produced and posted online a video specifically aimed at teenagers that promotes bondage and sadomasochism (BDSM) and proposes “rules” to follow when engaging in these activities. “People sometimes think that […]

Obama: OFA ‘Doing God’s Work’

Steven Ertelt of LifeNews noticed that quote from an event last night, and was reminded of when President Obama said “God bless” Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the United States. By the way, I’ve been researching a follow-up on Miriam Weeks, the Duke University freshman Women’s Studies major who pays her tuition by […]

Boycott Abortion Cookies

Three years ago, I remarked that it had become “increasingly obvious that the national Girl Scouts organization has been hijacked by radical feminists.” You may remember the occasion: The World Association of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides hosted a no-adults-welcome panel at the United Nations where Planned Parenthood was allowed to distribute a brochure entitled […]

Perhaps @TomKludt Could Explain Why Killing Babies Is Such a Good Thing

Kludt wrote a Talking Points Memo blog with this headline: Erick Erickson Responds To Greta Van Susteren With Graphic Anti-Abortion Screed We could get bogged down by asking why Tom Kludt is stirring up a fight between Erickson and Van Susteren, or ask why this argument is being treated like a popularity contest, as if […]

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