The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Male Feminist’ Kicks Catholic Woman

  A man has been fired from his job at a Toronto hair salon after he delivered a roundhouse kick to a woman at a pro-life protest event: On September 30th at 2:31 PM during Campaign Life Coalition’s peaceful demonstration, pro-life leader Marie-Claire Bissonnette, was roundhouse-kicked in the shoulder by an abortion proponent. The Human […]

Democrats Nominate Pro-Abortion Lesbian Feminist for Congress in Texas

  Yesterday, I explained that Democrats have nominated an anti-white hate-monger to challenge Republican Pete Sessions in Texas’s 32nd Congressional District. Today, I’m highlighting another extremist Democrat in Texas, Gina Ortiz Jones, who finished first in a five-way primary, with 42% of the vote and then defeated Rick Trevino in the May runoff, to challenge […]

No, America, @JessicaValenti Doesn’t Want to Help Your Sons, She Hates Them

  It is difficult to exaggerate the evil of Jessica Valenti. Her “feminism” is, on the one hand, mostly partisan cheerleading for Democrats and, on the other hand, an excuse for her own destructive anti-social tendencies. Her recent memoir, Sex Object, is a “vengeful diatribe against heterosexual men,” including her own husband, Andrew Golis. “Every […]

Feminism and the Darwinian Dead End

“I don’t want a baby. . . . Nothing will make me want a baby. . . .This is why, if my birth control fails, I am totally having an abortion.” — Amanda Marcotte, March 14, 2014 “The United States is in the midst of what some worry is a baby crisis. The number of […]

Another Reason to Avoid Massachusetts

  Nobody wants to live in Massachusetts. which has the lowest total fertility rates (1.54 average lifetime births per woman) in the United States. The total fertility rate in Tennessee is 1.82, almost 20% higher than Massachusetts. This has political consequences, as Massachusetts has watched its number of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives […]

Feminism’s African Abortion Agenda

  If any white man were to say, “Women in Nigeria are having too many babies,” he could expect to be accused of racism. On the other hand, if you were to express concern that the high fertility rate in Nigeria (5.5 lifetime births per woman) is a major obstacle to “sustainable development,” you could […]

Mexican Criminal Pro-Abortion Activist Detained by ICE, May Be Deported

Hey, are you guys getting tired of all this #Winning yet? An abortion activist with a history of breaking the law could be deported after she was detained Wednesday by immigration officials. Alejandra Pablos, 32, is an abortion and immigration activist who works for the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, Rewire reports. She also […]

Socialist Tumblrina Witches

  Sara is a 19-year-old bisexual socialist witch who likes cats and attends college somewhere in New England. She posts a lot of selfies, including pictures of herself dressed as Hecate, pagan goddess of death. Like every other pouty teenage Goth girl with a Tumblr blog, Sara fancies herself a writer and self-published a science […]

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