The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Transgender Social Contagion Reminds School Counselor of Salem in 1692

We have previously discussed the “social contagion” by which so-called “rapid onset” transgenderism appears to be spreading among young people. And it is obvious that the education system is part of the problem. The feminist blog 4th Wave Now, which has become a clearinghouse for women concerned about this issue, recently got this comment: When […]

Transgender ‘Social Contagion’

  Rivka Edelman at The Federalist: In response to the uptick of trans mania, a group of four mothers and one father met at a suburban Starbucks to compare notes on ways to help their children challenge the gender ideology pushed in the media and in the schools. One mother said these meetings are taking […]

Synthetic ‘Community’: Social Media and Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria

Kids want to belong. In the confusing storms of adolescence, defining yourself as a member of a group becomes a source of security. Historically, this has taken the form of tribalism — ethnicity and family as the basis of identity, typically reinforced by religious belief. When a crowd of Irish Catholics turn out for the […]

Transgenderism: ‘Equality’ for the Insane

  Nearly 10 years ago, after gay activists launched hateful attacks on supporters of California’s Proposition 8, I explained that the LGBT movement’s “vitriolic rage highlighted how the progressive rhetoric of ‘rights’ undermines and destabilizes political consensus”: Seizing on the triumphant narrative of the black civil-rights movement, liberals adopted the habit of framing political debates […]

The Transgender Cult: Parents Speak Out About ‘Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria’

      “How can she decide she is not a woman when she hasn’t finished being a girl?” That was the comment of a mother in rural Ireland whose daughter got caught up in — but now seems to have escaped from — the online transgender cult. Her daughter’s sudden embrace of transgender identity […]

‘High-Risk Sex Offender’ Using Transgender Identity to Pursue Teens?

  Another setback for the Transgender Victimhood Narrative: Riley Byerly is a transwoman who authors the website ‘My Transgender Life: Sharing My Life One Moment At A Time’. He also goes by the name Riley Lilian Grace Byerly. He is 27. His legal name is Brynner Phoenix Rennecke. . . . Before his arrest at […]

Self-Hatred and Transgender Suicide

Jane Georgia, a/k/a “Jay Griffin.” Not long ago, my friend Cynthia Yockey and I were discussing the transgender cult when she rather casually said something that struck me as profound: Transgenderism is a sort of suicide, involving the destruction of a hated self. She just threw that idea out in the midst of our phone […]

FMJRA 2.0: Birthday Weekend

— compiled by Wombat-socho Happy birthday to Smitty! Late Night With Rule 5 Monday: Coffee, Please Animal Magnetism Ninety Miles From Tyranny A View From The Beach Proof Positive EBL Nation-Building President Ain’t Got Time For Backstabbery EBL Feminism 2017: @Rose_Resistance — Communist Lesbians Against America The Political Hat EBL Transgender Social Contagion Reminds School […]

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