The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Sexual Harassment Apocalypse

  Remember “Mattress Girl”? In 2014, Columbia University student Emma Sulkowicz became a feminist heroine for her performance-art project dramatizing what she claimed was rape, but what her ex-boyfriend Paul Nungesser said was a consensual hook-up. Neither the police nor university officials believed there was a case against Nungesser, but feminists insisted that anyone who […]

The Sexual Harassment Apocalypse: More Accusations Against Kevin Spacey

  Folks, the bonfire of sexual harassment accusations — in Hollywood, in the news media, in politics — is now an inferno raging out of control. There are so many women accusing so many men of so many wrongdoings that it’s impossible to keep up. Dustin Hoffman? That one shocked me, but it’s 2017, and […]

No Mercy for @KevinSpacey? Welcome to the Sexual Harassment Apocalypse

  … and the Academy Award for Worst Coming-Out Statement by a Gay Actor goes to … — The Patriarch Tree (@PatriarchTree) October 30, 2017 First, the news: In an interview with BuzzFeed News, [Star Trek Discovery actor Anthony] Rapp is publicly alleging for the first time that in 1986, [Kevin] Spacey befriended Rapp while […]

Former NBC News Anchor Tom Brokaw Accused of Sexual Harassment

  Linda Vester was a 28-year-old NBC News correspondent — the youngest at the network — when she said she was first targeted for sexual harassment by the man who was NBC’s prime-time anchor for decades: In a series of interviews with Variety conducted over several months, Vester alleged that Brokaw physically tried to force […]

Rebecca Watson: ‘Stop Sexualizing Me!’

This was originally going to be titled, “Agreeing With Richard Dawkins,” because one of the world’s most notorious Darwinists has offended feminists by telling them that there are worse things than being propositioned in a hotel elevator. But then I saw the video in which the atheist chick at the epicenter of this controversy made […]

Latest #MeToo Target: Morgan Freeman

  What? You thought Oscar-winning elderly black men were exempt? A young production assistant thought she had landed the job of her dreams when, in the summer of 2015, she started work on “Going In Style,” a bank heist comedy starring Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine and Alan Arkin. But the job quickly devolved into several […]

Hollywood’s Homo-Hypocrisy

Headline at Mediaite: After Months of Attacking Roy Moore, Hollywood Releases Film Romanticizing Child Molestation Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? When I saw that headline, I immediately had a hunch and — surprise! surprise! — my hunch was correct: As the year comes to a close, Hollywood releases its final batch of films, many of which will […]

The Gorilla Is Correct

Oregon Muse’s “Morning Rant” at AoSHQ: “It’s pretty funny when feminists stamp their feet and demand their safe spaces from guys whistling and catcalling them, because they’re not telling you what they really want. What they really want is not to be whistled at and catcalled by unattractive guys. In other words, they want a […]

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