The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt Continues His Descent into Madness

Bill Schmalfeldt, ranting on YouTube, circa 2011. Years of working in “file-it-and-forget-it” mode — today’s newspaper is tomorrow’s fishwrapper — means that stories I once covered on an almost daily basis are routinely consigned to the archives. For a few months in 2013, for example, I covered the Kate Hunt saga in a thorough and […]

Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt Is Still Deranged and, Yes, Cyberstalking

  Let the reader search the archives here for mentions of Bill Schmalfeldt, and I believe you will discover that I have ignored him for more than two years, until I found today that Schmalfeldt was recycling a defamatory fraud from 2013 concerning myself and Karen the Lonely Conservative. Now, given that I have ignored […]

How Bill Schmalfeldt (@Leonidas_BU) Implicated Himself in Online Fraud

In July 2012, my blog buddy Karen, The Lonely Conservative, described how she was targeted by a fake email, from someone impersonating my colleague Wombat, forwarding to her an email purportedly from me in which “I” wrote insulting things about Karen. This was two months after I began covering the Brett Kimberlin saga, and I […]

Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt Doubts My Expertise in Crazy?

Bill Schmalfeldt insists he is not a deranged cyberstalker. “Delusions of persecution and grandiose revenge fantasies are typical of certain personality disorders and, although I have no specialized training in psychology, I know crazy when I see it. “One of Bill Schmalfeldt’s most noticeable traits is his love of making threats — The Dire Warning of Terrible […]

Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt Explores New Frontiers of Failure

It’s been three weeks since we checked in on the antics of Bill Schmalfeldt, the brain-damaged troll whose harassment of Brett Kimberlin’s enemies led him into an bizarre obsession with John Hoge, my co-defendant in the perjuring bomber’s vexatious lawsuits. Read that sentence again, please. If you’re a regular reader, it all makes sense, but […]

Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt and His ‘Progressive’ Homophobia

Bill Schmalfeldt ranting, 2011. (Image via Thomas Anderson at Vimeo) “He’s banned on Daily Kos. He’s banned at the Examiner. He gets angry about being ignored, and erupts in frothing rage. So then people pay Bill the only kind of attention he deserves — pointing out that he’s a brain-damaged troll — at which point […]

Bill Schmalfeldt: ‘CEASE and DESIST’!

Bill Schmalfeldt wants you to believe he is a victim. “Bill Schmalfeldt doesn’t have principles. Bill Schmalfeldt doesn’t have values. Bill Schmalfeldt doesn’t have beliefs. Bill Schmalfeldt has enemies, and then nothing, a black and dank and empty void of sullenness.” — Ken White, Aug. 6, 2013 Deranged cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt has been fired by […]

Bill Schmalfeldt Continues His Insane Investment in Brett Kimberlin’s RICO Suit

Bill Schmalfeldt ranting, 2011. (Image via Thomas Anderson at Vimeo) Am I now or have I ever been engaged in an interstate racketeering conspiracy? No, and the allegations by Brett Kimberlin in his federal lawsuit (which John Hoge dubbed Kimberlin v. the Universe, et al.) are utterly absurd. Yet the manifest absurdity of Kimberlin’s conspiracy […]

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