The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Guys: Never Talk to a College Girl

The more I read about the current climate on America’s college and university campuses, the more convinced I am that no man smart enough to go to college would ever be stupid enough to date a college girl. Feminists have ginned up a frightening hysteria of anti-male fear among female students. Any boy who kisses a girl […]

Guys: Never Talk to a College Girl, Because All College Girls Hate You

  The implementation of so-called “affirmative consent” policies means that every heterosexual male student is at risk of expulsion if he attempts to have sex on campus. College orientation is now basically an anti-sex training program where female students are (a) taught that all men are rapists and (b) encouraged to file sexual assault charges […]

‘Mattress Girl’ Is Now Mattress ‘They’? The Queer Feminism of Emma Sulkowicz

One of the things about choosing feminism as a subject matter is that you never run out of craziness to write about. No one could ever hope to provide the final, complete, definitive account of how crazy feminists are; the supply of evidence is infinite, and grows larger every day. A curse befalls anyone who […]

Violence Against Women Update: Illegal Alien Murdered College Girl, Police Say

Police say illegal alien Christian Bahena-Rivera (left) killed Mollie Tibbetts (right). He left her body in an Iowa cornfield: A Mexican national illegally residing in the U.S. has been charged with first degree murder in the disappearance and death of Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts, officials said at a press conference at Poweshiek County Sheriff’s […]

Feminism as Cliché: When You’re Just Another Privileged White Girl

      Where to start? Hood College is a notorious lesbian school and it’s a mystery why its enrollment keeps declining. Originally founded as a strict Calvinist college for women, Hood admitted male students in the 1970s, becoming coed just about the time it ceased to be Christian. Hood is a bastion of far-left […]

#LashEquality: @CoverGirl Promotes Transgender Agenda in Commercials

  Analysts seeking to understand why 62 million Americans voted to elect Donald Trump president might consider how Third Wave feminism — “gender theory” and all that — has alienated every Christian parent in the country (to say nothing of many radical feminists who oppose it). Postmodern academic theory about the social construction of the gender […]

Never Take Advice From Feminists (The @FactoryGrrrl Edition)

How many times do I have to explain why you should never take romantic advice from feminists? Feminism is a movement organized around the grievances of unhappy women. If a woman is happy and successful in her life, she doesn’t need feminism, and so everything that feminists write about love and sex should be viewed […]

Star and Co-Writer of Slave Revolt Movie Were Accused of Raping Girl in College

Nate Parker (left) and Jean Celestin (right) were Penn State wrestling teammates. A much-praised new movie about an 1831 slave revolt, which had been considered a possible Oscar contender, is in trouble because of revelations that the film’s star and director was accused of raping an 18-year-old college student in 1999. Birth of a Nation […]

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