The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#FakeNews: NBC Withheld Evidence of Avenatti’s Kavanaugh Deception

  Thursday, we reported (“Grassley Refers Creepy Porn Lawyer and His Lying Client for FBI Investigation”) that Julie Swetnick and her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, are suspected of giving false statements to the Senate Judiciary Committee during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation process. Now, NBC News is admitting that another one of Avenatti’s clients, whose affidavit he […]

The Last Kavanaugh Post, Ever

  Since my first post on the subject (“Democrats Pull the Sleaziest Smear in Their Long History of Sleazy Smears,” Sept. 15), I’ve written dozens of posts about the Kavanaugh confirmation circus, and I’m sure you’re as weary of the subject as I am. Neverthless, once the confirmation went through, I felt a need to […]

Truth Triumphs Over Lies: Collins, Flake, Manchin Will Vote ‘Yes’ on Kavanaugh

  Cue the sad trombone for the #Resistance mob. Barring unforeseen developments, it now appears that the Senate will confirm Brett Kavanaugh as the next associate justice of the Supreme Court: Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh is heading to confirmation to the Supreme Court this weekend after two key undecided senators — Susan Collins of Maine […]

FBI: Kavanaugh Accuser’s Friends Pressured Witness Who Contradicted Her

  Further evidence that this was a dishonest partisan hit-job: A friend of Christine Blasey Ford told FBI investigators that she felt pressured by Dr. Ford’s allies to revisit her initial statement that she knew nothing about an alleged sexual assault by a teenage Brett Kavanaugh, which she later updated to say that she believed […]

Democrats Desperate to Stop Kavanaugh Nomination Resort to … Witchcraft

  Friday at midnight, a group of witches will cast a “binding spell” against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, following a ritual devised for this occasion by a Baltimore-based wizard. Michael M. Hughes is author of Magic for the Resistance: Rituals and Spells for Change, and leads a Facebook group for “resistance witches and magicians.” […]

FBI Ends Investigation; Kavanaugh Vote Scheduled; Democrats Are Still Lying

“I actually believe that Dr. Ford fabricated her testimony. I think she’s delusional. . . . There could be no corroboration, because nothing ever happened.” — Joe DiGenova, on Hannity, Oct. 3, 2018 We are within sight of the end of this three-week nightmare, which began Sept. 13 when Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein went public […]

Democrat Aide Arrested for Doxxing GOP Senators During Kavanaugh Hearings

  Breaking news: A Democratic congressional intern was arrested Wednesday and accused of posting the personal information of at least one Republican senator during last week’s hearing about sexual assault claims against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, authorities said. U.S. Capitol Police said 27-year-old Jackson Cosko was charged with making public restricted personal information, witness […]

‘It Never Happened. Confirm Kavanaugh.’

The last couple of days, liberals on Twitter have been raging because these pro-Kavanaugh ads from the Judicial Crisis Network have been airing on CNN and MSNBC:   “The accusations against Brett Kavanaugh are a smear. . . . It never happened. Confirm Kavanaugh.” Liberals are used to living inside a media-created partisan bubble. Yesterday, […]

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