The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

A Fake Jew in the Identity-Politics Age

  Julia Salazar is not Jewish. Nor is she a working-class immigrant. Her mother is an Italian Catholic from New Jersey and her father, a native of Colombia, was a commercial pilot who became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1982. Julia grew up in a middle-class home in Florida and graduated from Columbia University, an […]

The Latest @LenaDunham Debacle: Feminist Becomes ‘Rape Truther’

Left to right: Lena Dunham, Aurora Perrineau, Murray Miller. When the University of Virginia rape hoax began to collapse under the weight of Jackie Coakley’s lies in December 2014, Amanda Marcotte coined the term “rape truther” to describe “people who want to deny that rape is a serious social problem.” This was a dishonest smear. […]

Feminism’s Excuse Factory: Nikki Yovino, Title IX and False Rape Accusations

  Nikki Yovino was a student at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Conn., last fall when she accused two of the university’s football players of raping her at a party. The football players both admitted they had sex with Yovino, but said it was consensual. Police say Yovino subsequently confessed she had fabricated the rape […]

GA-6: ‘The Big Short’ and the Establishment Media Bubble

  Tuesday night, I monitored election results from Georgia’s 6th District special election on my phone (via AoSHQ Decision Desk) while finishing up a day mowing lawns for my son’s contracting business. We were leaning on the truck and enjoying cold beverages while Jim chatted with his business partner when the Decision Desk called it […]

UVA Rape Hoax: Rolling Stone to Pay $1.65 Million to Defamed Fraternity

  Chuck Ross reports at the Daily Caller: Rolling Stone has settled a lawsuit with the University of Virginia fraternity whose members were falsely accused of raping a female student in a Nov. 2014 article, The Daily Caller has learned. A source involved at the national level with the fraternity, Phi Kappa Psi, tells TheDC […]

Rolling Stone Settles With UVA Dean in Rape Hoax Defamation Lawsuit

Last year, a jury awarded $3 million to University of Virginia Dean Nicole Eramo, who was defamed by Rolling Stone‘s November 2014 article “A Rape on Campus.” Rolling Stone had filed a motion to have that judgment vacated, but agreed to drop its appeal in a confidential settlement. Let me repeat what I said last […]

$3,000,000: Federal Jury Punishes Rolling Stone for UVA Rape Hoax Story

Journalistic malpractice with “actual malice”: CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — A federal jury on Monday ordered Rolling Stone and one of its writers to pay $3 million in damages to a University of Virginia administrator over a discredited article two years ago about a supposed gang rape at the university. The jury in Charlottesville, Va., had already […]

Feminist Professor @MarcieBianco Says Academia Discriminates Against Women

  Two traits are necessary to become a successful feminist: Hate; and Dishonesty. So long as a woman (a) despises men and (b) is willing to tell shameless lies in support of feminism’s anti-male agenda, there are no limits to how far she may go, particularly in the field of journalism: Academia is quietly and […]

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