The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Harvard Feminist @Nian_Hu Hates Men, Who ‘Will Always Be Oppressors’

Harvard feminist Nian Hu supported Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. Harvard Crimson columnist Nian Hu expressed her all-inclusive hatred of men in a column last month denouncing so-called “male feminists”: “What these male feminists fail to realize is that, as men, they will always be oppressors. . . . Men, as a class, are culpable for […]

Harvard Feminists Lie About Rape

An anti-rape protest at Harvard University. No honest, decent or moral young person would ever want to go near Harvard University, a corrupt and decadent institution run by depraved perverts. Harvard women are particularly notorious for their shameless promiscuity — one Harvard girl boasted of her “freedom to have as many sexual partners as I […]

A Harvard-Educated Feminist

Sarah Marian Seltzer (@sarahmseltzer) is a feminist and a fool, but I repeat myself. You never heard of her, and I hadn’t, either. Then one of her tweets — advocating “a human blockade around NRA headquarters” — came to my attention, and I wondered, “Who is this idiot?” Habitual curiosity about people with bad ideas […]

Harvard Hates Heterosexuals (Because the Ivy League Is Decadent and Depraved)

  Becina Ganther is an atheist lesbian Harvard University sophomore who hates God, men and heterosexuality, not necessarily in that order. A few months after her arrival on campus, Ms. Ganther joined the Harvard Crimson, not as a lowly reporter, but as a board member and columnist. Her first column made clear that Ms. Ganther […]

VIDEO: Kent Haeffner, President of Harvard University College Republicans

FITCHBURG, Massachusetts Thursday, Pete Da Tech Guy and I traveled to Harvard University, where we met with Kent Haeffner, president of Harvard’s College Republicans, and got this 18-minute video interview on Harvard Yard.   Kent was very gracious and joined us for dinner at El Jefe’s Taqueria on Harvard Square. I’ll have more about my […]

Heading to Harvard Yard

“What these male feminists fail to realize is that, as men, they will always be oppressors. . . . Men, as a class, are culpable for misogyny, and male allies are no different . . . Feminism does not need men. . . . Feminism is not supposed to be palatable to men; it is […]

‘Feminist Witchcraft,’ Mental Illness and the Demonic Dangers of the Occult

Feminist witch ‘Rain Lawless’ ranting on YouTube. “There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, […]

Feminists: They Even Hate Love

  Is there anything that feminism can’t destroy? Feminists hate babies. Feminists want your tax money to pay for killing babies. If you disagree with feminists, they will do everything in their power to harm you and your family. Regular readers of this blog know the truth: Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization […]

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